Sunday, February 6, 2011

“This is the Day!”

I have a really fun story to tell, but where do I start? 

Well, about two weeks ago, choir director Jane Strating, had a great idea for the choir to stand and sing “This is the Day” when Don said his usual, “repeat after me… ‘This is the day, ….. I will rejoice…. and be glad in it.’”  This was to be a complete surprise to Don.  In other words, as Jane put it, “LaVon, you have to keep your lip buttoned.”  You can just imagine the disappointment of the whole choir when I told them that Don was going to ask the attendees to say something else that next Sunday…

“LaVon, can’t you get him to do “This is the day?” 

“I’m so sorry, it’s a lead into the sermon.” 

So the choir had to wait and I did my part this morning, encouraging Don to do “This is the day…,” with

“Hon, it’s such a beautiful day today, let’s do “this is the day” this morning.” 

“You think that’s what we should do?”

“I really do.”

“We’ll see,” was his reply.

No commitment.  So I had to tell Jane to prepared with our plan to stand and sing,

“This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. We will rejoice, we will rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it….”

It might happen…. maybe.

We rehearsed it.

And sure enough, when Don got up to the podium to welcome everyone, he ended that part of the service with,

“Repeat after me…. ‘This is the day…’”

Immediately, the choir stood jumped to their feet and started singing. Don was surprised. Everyone in church was surprised, but all joined in before the end of the chorus. 

It was great!

A little more “life” was added to worship in church this morning!


My handsome husband wore the shirt, this morning, that daughter Stephanie and family gave him for Christmas.





Today is our wonderful friend’s birthday!  Happy Birthday, Linda Floto!!  We went to brunch after church with Joel and Linda to help her celebrate her birthday.100_0634

This afternoon was the celebration of those at The Tip celebrating 50 years of marriage this year. Don had volunteered a month or so ago, to be a waiter for the celebrants’ table, so he was waiting by the kitchen for his queue, which came sooner than he expected.  Gail had forgotten to ask him to do the invocation until after she had started the program.  Don made the trek back across the hall while everyone waited.  Not the entrance he wanted… in fact, he doesn’t want “an entrance” at all.  Oh, well, he was delighted to get to open the celebration of fifty years of marriage for the eight couples.Gail forgot to tell Don he was to do the invocation, so he had to walk the length of the hall as everyone waited.

Arvid and Cindy were the first to be announced.  (They’re the only couple I really know.) (I was at the other end of the hall, so my vantage point wasn’t the best.)Arvid and Cindy

Each couple was escorted the length of the hall to the head table by another couple of their choice.100_0655100_0667

Next, each of the escorts told how their friends met and married and a little about their life, as each couple stood while their story was being told.100_0670

As The Anniversary Waltz was played, the celebrants were encouraged to dance and others in the crowd joined in.100_0672

The beginning of the waltz was Don and Fred’s queue to start serving the cake to the head table.  They accomplished that without a hitch.

The celebrants returned to their table in time to prepare for their toast.Sprarkling cider or champagne?

“Sparkling cider or champagne?”100_0677

“Sparkling cider, please.”Sprarkling cider or champagne?

“Champagne, thank you.” 100_0678the bubbly was really bubbly

After the toast, Fred and Don served coffee and water.100_0685100_0686

Don’s job is done and he thoroughly enjoyed it.Mary Kitkowsky and the waiter.... Pastor Baker

Congratulations to all of the couples who have been married for fifty years this year.  May God bless you with many more happy years.

Of course, we finished off the day watching the Super Bowl.

The temperatures are once more warm in the RGV and we are truly blessed.

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