Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Max and Luella

Back to the main hall at 8:00 AM to “Walk Away the Pounds.”  Two very brisk miles conquered.

We have a lunch appointment today.

Please notice the right part of the building below.  It is completely covered, except for the windows and doors, with ivy.  That just can not be good for the exterior of the walls.100_0891

We met Max and Luella for lunch at Luby’s today.  There is an amazing story of devotion, love and commitment in this picture.  Max and Luella are ranchers from north Nebraska.  Luella was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s nineteen years ago.  Today, Luella doesn’t know Max most of the time, but he takes care of her, totally, right down to painting her fingernails.  A few nights ago, at a jam session in the main hall, Max dropped to one knee in front of Luella, looked her straight in the eye and asked, “Will you dance with me?” Never taking her eyes from his, she replied very softly, “Yes.”  Their whole table was choked up.  It’s amazing how Luella remembers how to two step dance.  Max finds humor in their situation, he has to, but he’s crying on the inside most of the time.  When Don told them, “God bless you,” as we were leaving, Luella got a sparkle in her eye and repeated, “God bless you,” in her soft whisper.  They will be heading back to Nebraska Friday… indeed, God bless you Max and Luella.100_0893

With our visit with Max and Luella lingering in our hearts we drove back to the Q to rest.

My walking partner called and Donna and I walked the mile around the perimeter of the park.  A dead palm tree had to be removed.  I always wondered what the inside of a palm tree looked like.100_0894

Rocky was out waiting to greet us.  He reminds me of what a tiny fox might look like.100_0896

Tonight is our couples’ Bible study here at the Q.  Another good night of digging into God’s Word.

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