Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday blessings; rain and roses

The fresh rain started during the night and continued off and on through this morning settling the dust.Saturday brought rain to the desertOn Sunscape Way there are are these beautiful rose bushes:100_3544100_3545100_3546100_3546 2 Tonight, we were invited to Jack and Kathy's to eat Jack's homemade pan pizza and play cards with them and Elaine and Larry-Larry.Elaine and Kathy cutting the pan pizzaHey, Larry, can you shuffle these?can you shuffle these, Larry-Larry? "No?"But you shouldn't have any trouble seeing them!... Awww, that just mean, isn't it?100_3552Larry, Kathy, Don, Elaine ready to play Nil.  Where's Jack?Larry, Kathy, Don, Elaine getting ready to play Nil.  Where's Jack?Next time, I will be sure and get a picture of Jack, the chef.  He loves to cook and he sent me home with a plastic bag full of "graham cracker pralines" ... OH MY!  Yumdillyiscious.

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