Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kris’s latest update

[I am slowly getting caught up after our road trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but I wanted to post this immediately.  So as you check back, you will need to scroll past this update to see postings.  Thanks for reading and thanks for being patient; and thank you so much for your prayers for Kris and her family.]

Dear friends and loved ones!

We're a few days late getting this update out, but we can now share some of Kris's happenings with a bit more confidence and correctness.  Let me start.

A week ago this past Thursday, I went with Kris in the facility wheelchair van down to Brook Army Medical Center (BAMC) in San Antonio, a trip that takes almost an hour and a half.  You will remember that BAMC is where Kris was airlifted after her accident on April 21 this year, and also where the neurosurgeon, Dr. Richard Teff, literally saved her life when he decided to operate on her head that night.  This time, the trip down to BAMC was so that Kris could have a CT scan of her head.  From those images, a company will formulate a series of images showing the shape and dimension of her head and the cranial area that is missing.  Those images are placed on a video and a team of specialized implant designers will fabricate the implant made from a plastic material that will eventually be inserted in her head where all the bone fragments were removed.  Since there were too many fractured pieces of bone, the surgical team that performed that miraculous surgery back in April were not able to save enough to put back into her head.  But, thanks to our fantastic sciences and technological discoveries, Kris will now have a prosthetic implant, and it will be the exact shape and size to compliment the other side of her head.  They will use the same incisions that were used back in April, and her beautiful hair will grow out again.  And, once the surgery is completed and she recovers there at BAMC, she'll return to the Texas Neuro Rehab Center here in Austin to continue her wonderful progress: learning to walk, speak, eat, use her hands and, generally, learn how to do everything all over again.  The little important steps that she has been making are indications all this will come in time, with prayer and lots of hard work!!! 

That's the plan.  The day after the CT scan at BAMC, we were told that she has an evaluation appointment with Dr. Teff, the neurosurgeon, on Wednesday, September 8th.  We don't have a date for the surgery as yet, but we are praying so very much that Dr. Teff will be so overwhelmed with all that Kris has been able to accomplish, he will simply say... "Let's admit her and do the operation right away!"  That's what we are hoping he'll say!!!  Truth is... Kris's little girl, Andrea, hasn't seen her since the accident.  Some of you already know she is autistic and it was felt it would be too traumatic for her to see Kris and not be able to have her mommy hold her and talk to her.  I do believe Andrea understands that Mommy has been "sick" and is getting better, so she's okay with all of that, but I believe Kris would love to see her daughter.  She sees her son, Joshua, which is wonderful for both of them.  I do believe Kris is reaching a point, however, when she will likely not continue to progress because of her fear of hurting the right side of her head.  She is extremely protective of the injured area and she is conscious of how delicate it is.

I forgot to mention that her former commanding officer, Col Payne, along with his replacement and some other co-workers and friends were waiting for Kris when we arrived at BAMC last week.  Of course, Russell and Joshua were there, too.  She was again overwhelmed with emotion at seeing everyone there for her, and our emotions overflowed as well.  She is just so aware of everything and everyone.  One week ago today, Russell's sister and her husband came to see Kris.  They hadn't seen her since right after the accident.  They are really sweet people and Kris's face lit up with such obvious joy and emotion.  She didn't have to say a word, really; it was all there in her eyes and her expression.  Thank God in Heaven above that she has her memory in tact to know her family and friends!!  What a miracle that is in itself!

Just a quick overview of this past week:  She is still working very hard at all of the therapies and has tried very hard to use her left hand now.  She grasped a tennis ball enough to hold it yesterday, and played kickball with George and me yesterday afternoon.  She does that while sitting in her wheelchair.  I remove the foot pads and she can swing those legs and feet pretty spiffy, let me tell you!!!  She kept us hopping. 

This past Thursday, she raised her upper body up from a side position resting on her right elbow to a full upright sitting position on a low workout table.  She now holds my hand with a really firm grip with her left hand and her right hand is coming along, too.  It feels so good when I ask her something and have her respond with a hand squeeze.  She means business now!!!  In fact, the on-duty nurse said that Kris nodded her head yes when she asked her a question before we got there today.  There are so many little nuances and other wonderful, tiny steps: the smiles, the emotion, the light in her eyes.  There are down moments, too, I must honestly say that, but Kris is ever the hard worker and strong-willed little lady.  I've said before that the road is going to be very long, but she knows that.  I know she does!

One more side note for our United Methodist Church friends both in Sebring, FL and up in Pennsylvania:  We found a church to visit at last while we're here.  Manchaca United Methodist Church.  Kris is now on their prayer chain and both the pastor and associate pastor want to be updated on how she's doing.  It's a beautiful church with an 11:15 service that gives me time to go and help Kris get washed up and started for the day.  It's just what we needed, too.  Today was Communion Sunday and Pastor Laura had a very sweet message.  Another answered prayer!!!

A final note about Florida: we are still hoping to return there by November, but I must say it may be later depending on how Kris's surgery goes and how she progresses after that.  While we realize the importance of honoring our commitments in Florida this winter, my heart is here and there is no doubt we are needed here.  Prayerfully, we ask for understanding and we will continue to keep everyone posted.  For those of you who knew we were to perform in Sun City, Arizona, I am so thankful we postponed that engagement.  It was to be September 8th, which turned out to be the day Kris goes to the neurosurgeon.  God is good... all the time!!!

Blessings and love,

Carol and George

1 comment:

Joel and Linda said...

God is good!! Great to hear all the strides Kris has made since the last update.