Saturday, August 14, 2010

Reconnecting with old friends

Someone take my temperature! I was up and dressed at by 6:40 AM!!!
Proof: sunrise pictures…
Branson lights are still twinkling.100_2214100_2216100_2215
The movement of the clouds with the movement of the earth… quickly the sun was behind the clouds.100_2217
Where I was standing when taking the pictures above.100_2218And this is the view from our desk window where I’m sitting right now.  I can see more than the water tower but there’s a tree limb in the way and when I try to take pictures of the view, the camera focuses on the tree limb and I get a blurred background.  If I was a professional photographer, I could probably fix that.100_2219
I got a call from a sweet friend this morning, very concerned about a couple they work with who are in dire straights.  They’re living in a tent.  In this heat?  Oh, my.  So our friends are going with them this afternoon to look at a pop-up trailer with an A/C.  Our friend also said that this couple wants to talk to Don, so that will be an appointment for next week, since they don’t get a day off until Wednesday.  I prayed with our friend for God to bless and guide their time with the couple this afternoon.  God is at work all around us and it is exciting to be allowed to be a part of it.
While we were at Danna’s for lunch, Don saw a man with a Shreveport Fire Department T-shirt on and that made him think of our good friends, Jimmy and Lucy Beckwith.  Jimmy being the retired Shreveport fireman.  So I called Lucy, “What are you doing?”
Lucy: “Nothing much, gir-rl, just sitting here talking to Carol."
“Where are you?”
Lucy: “Branson.  Where are you?”
So, you know where we went after lunch and it was right on the way back to the Q.
How does someone sleep with his head on a metal bar, a toothpick in his mouth and holding on to another metal bar?  Just like this.100_2221What?  You can’t see the toothpick?100_2221-1
After, taking these pictures, I walked up and said, “Jimmy, you’re gonna swallow that toothpick.”  And he woke up laughing.
I dearly love a good photo opportunity.  Almost as much as I love putting it on my web-log.
Which brings me to the question…  why did “they” decide to call a web-log a blog?  Laziness or it’s just easier to say?
Well, we had a great time with Jimmy and Lucy, catching up.  You know there was lots of laughter involved.  We’re looking forward to spend more time with them while we’re here.
Joel and Linda are also workamping here in Branson, so they came over tonight, bearing a gift of Joel’s homemade cinnamon bread (YUMMM) and visited.  They are the couple who taught us how to play Zilch aka The Stupid Game. We played a couple of games and Joel was just on a roll tonight, taking both games!
Friday has ended for us and it was a good one. 
Blessings to all.


Joel and Linda said...

I can't believe you woke him up from his nap, he looked so comfortable...

Sharon said...

I love the second picture down of the sunrisel Just wish it was the beginning of the light of Jesus's return. I dreamed of his return when I was in my late 20's I woke up so full of happiness. It was like Christmas, birthday, wedding, all rolled into one fantastic event. Then I realized I was dreaming. I still remember it.