Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sunscape Style Show

This afternoon was the style show in the community center.

Elaine and Pam

Elaine GingrichPam

Rosetta and a model I don't know and can't remember what they said her name is.  Sorry.Rosetta100_0216

Jarolyn and Elaine


Elaine and Pam


Naomi and Jarolyn


Elaine and Naomi


I'm not the only one taking pictures.  Marlene (with camera/not a model) and another lady I haven't met, I don't think.

Marlene, taking a picture of Naomi100_0217

Elaine, making the rounds through the tables.100_0241

All the lovely models.100_0245

Naomi modeling a Sunscape T-shirt and tote.Naomi in her Sunscape T-shirt

Great job, Girls!!      

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