Sunday, April 27, 2008

Norman - Day 11

It's Sunday, April 27th and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEBBIE!!.. Don's favorite sister. 

We are on our way to Don's mother's to go to church with her.  Debbie is meeting us there and then we will all go out together to celebrate Debbie and Don's birthday (30th).  Mom has baked two coconut cream pies (for Don) and two pecan pies (for Debbie).  We'll have dessert at Mom's house. Yummmm.

Guess what?  It's windy again today.  Shocker.  And 51 degrees.  Very cool, especially with the wind.

A big shout out and HEY HOW ARE YOU? to Carol and Steve over Utah way.  If you're reading this, send us an email or click us a comment.  We miss you guys!

In case you're wondering, I am writing this, in the truck, on the way to Pauls Valley where Mom lives.  This air card and Live Writer are GREAT!!  (hint hint LIZ) :-)

Snookie said yesterday that they filled up with diesel to the tune of $148 and they have a quarter tank left.  It's no wonder folks are buying sites to park their rigs or purchasing park models.  We were discussing how surprised we are that the truckers haven't gone on strike.  How do they make a living with the diesel/gas prices at this ridiculous price?

I'm also missing my best friend forever (36 years), Linda, down in Texas.  I'd call her right now, but she's probably at church.  Hey Sweetie!  I promise I will call you soon or you can call me!!

We are almost there, so will publish this.  Have a wonderful, glorious Sunday.  Go to church... it's amazing what it does for you to worship with others and it pleases our Heavenly Father, too.

Walk in Truth & Light.

1 comment:

Snookie said...

Is Debbie, by any chance, Don's ONLY sister?

I ask that because my brother tells me all the time that I'm his favorite sister and I'm the only one he has!