Saturday, April 26, 2008

Norman - Day 10

Yeah! The sun is shining AND it's not quite as windy as it's been!  Don took advantage of the sunshine and took a walk.  I joined him for a walk around the "block."100_5941    Don put a pork roast in the crock pot this morning and we took it over to LaNae's for dinner.  When we got there, Marley, the dog, 100_5942has just hurt his leg somehow and was being showered with love and sympathy. 100_5943 Lydia, at 10, sure reminds me of when her mom and aunt were that age... lots of "performances" in the middle of the living room.  100_5945While there, wonderful friend Snookie called.  Always so good to hear her voice.  We chatted for a while.  I won't give anything away by telling you where and what she and Bob are doing.  Just read her blog.  They're having so much fun that she's about two days behind in publishing, but she'll get caught up.

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