Monday, June 21, 2010

“Be still and know that I am God”

After going to Mama Trudy’s for lunch …. I cooked! … we came back to the Q to wait for an email, from my cousin for Mama, that didn’t arrive today.  Maybe tomorrow.

Don and I are really enjoying the park where we are.  It is so peacefully and serene.  A wonderful sabbatical spot.  We have a vision of a place similar to this as the headquarters for CRM International.  It only makes sense for our headquarters to be a park with RV sites and a few other necessary buildings (for training and administration) and a peaceful setting would provide a much needed rest area for the chaplains to refresh and “refuel.”  We believe this vision is why God allowed us to find this park…. it’s not for sale, but there’s a spot somewhere in the Branson area that is and God will lead us to it and provide, if this vision is from Him and not just a dream of our own.100_2604100_2607

From about twenty-five yards away, we saw a furry animal about ten inches long, excluding it’s tail, scurry into this hole.  We waited patiently from a short distance, but it never showed up so we could see what it was.  Guess it’s camera shy.100_2609100_2616100_2625100_2626100_2631

Blending with it’s surroundings, this moth or butterfly was very pretty on the outside, but….100_2635

beautiful on the inside.100_2640

We found the steps down to the “beach” area of the creek.100_2643

You guessed it.  I’m standing in the water.100_2644

So cool on a hot, humid day.100_2649100_2653100_2641

From the park, the sun was reflecting off the houses on top of the ridge on Lookout Mountain, several miles away.100_2657

We finally headed back to the Q, with ideas (I have my drawing pencil sharpened) swimming in our heads as the sun drops behind the mountain.100_2660

As we are here, resting and enjoying family, we miss all you friends and other family members that God has so richly blessed us with.  Wish you all could be here to experience this.


Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)

10 Be still, and know that I am God;
         I will be exalted among the nations,
         I will be exalted in the earth!


Tammy said...

I hope you head up Lookout Mountain before you leave that area. It is beautiful. There are many gorgeous homes to admire and the views from the top are amazing. Ken and I got engaged at the top of that mountain ... it holds a romantic spot in my heart. ;)

The Longs said...

Now that was a news flash " I Cooked" quoting LaVon...j/k hope you all enjoy the East coast.h