Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gospel Jam Night

Don said they had ten men at their Bible Study this morning and had a good discussion.  Jim Taylor does a great job leading that study.

Today was laundry day.  I sure would like to have a washer and dryer, but then I would miss the nice people I always meet in the laundry room....  I choose the possibility of a new friendship over convenience any day.

Don had fresh tuna salad sandwiches and fruit salad ready for lunch when I got home.  It sure was good.  Thanks, Hon, you are the best!

Tee and I rode our bikes this afternoon.  It's much more fun to ride with a friend and we sure do have some good conversations. 

Before riding, we practiced our songs for tonight, a little bit.  It's Gospel Jam Night for March.  We sang two songs, the first I "bombed" so badly that I've blocked out the title from my mind.  100_2919 Easter is not far off, so the second song we sang was "Ten Thousand Angels."  I love that song and did a more decent job.  Moving closer to the piano helped chase the butterflies away for the second song.  Tee played the piano and sang alto and I sang harmony.  It really was quite fun. (without flash) 

Psalm 84:4
Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they are ever praising You. Selah


Wendy and Rick Fury said...

I've heard you sing many a time. I can't imagine you bombing out. You have a lovely voice.

LaVon Baker said...

You are too kind, Wendy. I do love to sing and I hope it's a joyful sound. I just bombed a couple of notes, but it sounded awful in my ear.