Last night, Don brought Mama Trudy over to sit with the kids while we went out to Noble to meet with old friends for Thursday evening pot luck (yep, Baptists) and prayer time. It was wonderful to meet with them again and catch up on each of them. Prayer time was such a blessing as they prayed for us and the RV ministry. Listening to them, it was easy to understand why we have been so blessed during the past year, knowing that these praying friends are remembering us in prayer regularly.
Haven't taken many pictures to share. Kids have been swimming, but you've seen that.
I sure understand why God designed the young to have children and the old to be grandparents. I sure appreciate the fact that Leslie doesn't get to post a blog very often and LaNae, not at all.
Let's see, around here, I'm up at 6:10 AM, showered and dressed by 6:30 when I head to the kitchen to make Don's coffee so it will be ready when he gets up. The kids have been awesome to get up without any trouble at all. They have their routine down good. Lydia is up at 6:50, followed closely by Blaine. They are dressed with teeth brushed and hair combed by 7:20 and meet Don and I at the kitchen table for breakfast, Bible reading, a children's devotional and prayer. I love being able to pray with them and for them and the day ahead of them. Lydia almost always prays also. Blaine's still a little shy about praying outloud with us. He's a little more difficult to get him to sit still, but he's doing a lot better. When I ask them questions about the devotional & verses I've read, they both answer correctly, so I know they are listening and learning. The web site where the devotional is is really good.... CBH Ministries, formerly Children's Bible Hour and has lots of activities and things for children of all ages. One thing we have been praying that God would help Blaine do is "stay on green" and he has been on green all week! That teaches them that God definitely hears and answers prayer. "Being on green" means that Blaine has behaved in his class and at school with no warnings, "yellow" and no disciplinary action, "red." We are praising God and very proud of Blaine. Yesterday, Don treated us all to Braum's ice cream after school and tonight, he treated us to Taco Bell... not his favorite, but the kids and I love it. LOL
I digress... by 7:50 AM, we are in the car and off to school, private Christian school across town. Don and I have the day together until 2:30 PM when it's then time to go pick the kids up, snacks, homework, play time, dinner, more activities, bath and bedtime.
We're with the kids at LaNae's house until next Wednesday. They are now in Prague and said it is awesome when they called, and they are having a great time. A wonderful 10th anniversary for them.
Leslie's hubby, Khalil, has already been offered a promo... the facilities director position at the Roundrock Dell Diamond, home of the Rangers 3AAA baseball team, Express. Details and dates have not been worked out yet. One thing for sure, he LOVES baseball and he LOVES his new job. It seems that the Ryan-Sanders Group is a good group to work for. I've always liked Nolan Ryan, especially after he took care of Robin Ventura when he charged the mound after Nolan had hit him with a pitch. Nolan put the young whipper-snapper in a head-lock and commenced to pounding him. I'm pretty sure Robin V. never charged the pitcher's mound again.
Love and blessings to all and know that your prayers are so appreciated.
Glad you are all ok. I know that prayers are answered on a regular basis as we have seen that in our own lives concerning our son. Take care.
Dearest Auntie--I HAVE missed you. . . but I'm glad we were able to text a bit the other night and I hope you are feeling better. I got tears in my eyes envisioning you sitting with Lydia and Blaine doing a devotional and asking the questions. . . so sweet. You are a Nonna par excellence. Each child should hope to have one like you. Each parent should hope to have one for THEIR child like you!
love you!!
Good to see your blog again! We worried about you guys....we enjoy reading your blog every day. Take care and enjoy those babies.
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