…… to showcase one of my daughter’ creativity. Not that the other two are not creative, it’s just that Leslie’s creativity is easier to showcase because it’s online.
I appreciate her digital scrapbooking so much because I’m a grandmother and love to see the way she affirms her children and family with her creativeness. As her mom, I am so blessed.
Journaling on this picture:
“how is it that you steal the hearts of everyone and anyone who meets you? maybe it’s that precious voice or sweet smile. more likely it’s the huge heart that you so willingly share with all you come in contact with. it is just one of the things i can’t help but love about you.”
Emma steals hearts by spreading sunshine everywhere she goes.
Journaling -
“is it too much to ask that you always have this smile on your face? that you never have to experience anything but the sun on your face and the wind in your hair? oh how i wish i could protect you from all the hurts of this world, but i know that’s impossible. so i’ll just pray that the good days outweigh the bad and that you always remember that you have your daddy & me when the storms do come.”
And the red headed wonder….
“even waiting in the lobby at the doctor’s office, you get so lost in your imagination and play. you wouldn’t stop until every last lego was up on that board. with this kind of determination, it’s not hard to imagine that these moments spent in play with help shape who you will become.”
“one look at this photo and my heart is near to bursting with love. i have tons of shots of you smiling for me and for that i'm thankful. you are a happy girl and it shows in your face. but this picture, this glimpse of your quiet and reserved side makes me want to stop time in its tracks and wrap you in my arms and never let go. despite your fierce independence, your vulnerability here is palpable and the urge to protect you is overwhelming. oh how i'm praying for wisdom in the days ahead when i will need massive amounts of discernment to navigate when to lead you and when to let you make your own way.”
Journaling –
”how could i not believe that those words (lucky and blessed) are true when these are the two beautiful faces that greet me every morning? you have given my life such meaning and purpose and being your mother is the greatest honor i could ever imagine. i love you both with a love i can’t completely comprehend because it is not of me, but of a God that loves me enough to entrust you to me for this time on earth. how incredibly blessed am i?”
Just chronicling a happy day in Emma’s life": She has on her really cute pink boots, but for some
strange reason, Leslie didn’t get them in any of these pictures above. Emma does look good in a cowboy hat, doesn’t she?
Journaling -
“my sweet, sweet blessings you are the most precious things in the world to me. there is no possible way you could know what wonderfully joyful things fill my heart just by looking at you two. it's amazing to me how much you love each other right now. you are each other's favorite playmate and biggest fan. one day you'll read these words and it's my humble prayer that you'll look at each other and say that they still ring true and always will.”
OK, enough of the Nonni (grandma) stuff. I could post these all day and still not be finished.
We are so blessed.
I love Leslie's work and I'm so happy for her that you love her and her family so much that you bust your buttons!
How inspiring Leslie's journiling is. It shows what Love she has for her children, and her Lord! As I read her journiling, I couldn't keep the tears from flowing. God is so good, and His blessing are so abundent. Hope that Don is feeling better today, and your cactus bloom pictures are just wonderful. We love you, and we are praying and trusting that God will meet you where you are today.
Thanks Tammy and Lori for commenting. Leslie is a good writer and moves me to tears often, too. Love her to pieces and I'm so proud of the woman she has become.
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