Monday, May 9, 2011

“Nonna, get your camera.”

It’s Monday and Don and I took a walk around the camp this morning.  Correction: Don and I and my camera took a walk this morning.

These look like pretty purple wildflowers, but in truth, it’s a rather nasty sticker weed.100_3227

Nice houseboat on the lake. House boat  on Lake Waco

Diesel came over this afternoon while Leslie ran a few errands.  He wanted to play ladder golf.  “Are you ready, Nonna?  Get the camera.”  The son of a photographer, that’s for sure. I couldn’t help laughing.

But, he deserved to be photographed.  He wrapped two for scores!!Wrapped two out of three-- not bad!!

Wow! Diesel and I took a great two hour nap this afternoon!

Tonight, it’s Pook’s turn to play ball. (Coach pitch) Don’t you just love the pink batting helmet?100B3260

Pook has some wheels!100B3273

There’s Poppa Doppey enjoying the game!100B3278

Got a hit and made it to first base.on first base!


There she is on second!2nd base

Third base bound!100B3291 

Third base! Home plate in view.100_3242-1

Home!!  Pook scores!!  Score!

Now it gets really fun for the photographer/Nonna.  Pook plays left field and I have no idea what’s going on in her little head, but it was cute. left fielder 100_3247100_3246 100_3249 100_3250100_3250-1

Is she POSING??  I thought I was getting candid shots.100_3251

She IS posing!!    100_3251-1 100_3254

Celebrating the win! 100_3299

Thanks for indulging me all the pictures of grandkids, but we only get to see them twice a year, so I have to take enough pictures to last me for a year.  You understand.

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