Monday, May 23, 2011


Walking around the park today…

Oooooo, I sure would love to take a ride in that!100_3793

Sure wish this horseshoe could talk to me.  Of course, if it did, it would scare me to death. wonder how old this is

Busy little workers.  Do not get in their way. mean little red bugs

A herd of about thirty deer grazed in the orchard this morning. 100_3805 100_3806

It’s been mostly cloudy, hence the overcast look to this picture. (By the time we leave here, I will have photographed this creek from every possible angle.)100_3817100_3818

This is a big black rock squirrel, the destructive kind of squirrel.  This one won’t destroy anything ever again.  Yep, see that red spot just up and to the right of the squirrel?  That’s his blood.  Tom shot him and another one just like him.Tom shot two, but the other fell under brush

This rock squirrel was really brave walking right along beside the pool.  He got away.  They’re really big.he's really big

He walked the full length of the pool from the corner of the club house, along the right side, through the pool fence, over the rock wall and down the cliff to his home in the rock cliff.100_3823

I also showed Tom a snake across the creek along the bank from the look-out, which he shot three times.  That’s the deadest stick I have ever seen and I’ll never live it down. :-\

2 comments: said...

Sounds like you have plenty of wildlife at Johnson Creek. Squirrels sound BAD!!

LaVon Baker said...

Thank you, Joel, for not teasing me about the "stick snake." :-)