Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 4 of 30 days of truth

Day 4:  Something you have to forgive someone else for.

I’ve wracked my brain and I’ve prayed for the Lord to show me if there is anyone in my life or in my past that I have not forgiven.  There is no one that I haven’t already dealt with which is a great feeling.  Jesus taught us to forgive others in the same manner that we want Him to forgive us, so I try to deal with any of those emotions as quickly as possible.  Don’t get me wrong, I have those emotions, but right now, I’m good, which makes me ask God to be ever so near because Satan is probably going to attack soon.  Don’s outside right now sitting in a chair.  I hope I don’t have to re-write this after he comes back in the door.  I’m joking.

That’s one of the things that I really have had to work on.  If Don ‘hurts my feelings’ I usually won’t say anything and he will pick up on it right away and ask me what he’s done to make me unhappy with him.  It’s hard for me to voice what it is because I don’t want his feelings for me to change.  Isn’t that silly?  Or maybe I know that what I got my feelings hurt about is ridiculous and I don’t want to look foolish in his eyes.  I know he loves me unconditionally and I know that he doesn’t think I’m perfect or expect me to be.  I sometimes wish that I was the type that could just ‘spit it out’ and get it off my mind but I’m also glad that I am learning to ‘filter’ before I ‘spew.’

Ok, I’ve wandered away from the “what do I have to forgive someone else for” question, so I will just say that I have done quite a bit of forgiving in my life and I pray that if I need to ask for forgiveness of anyone, they will come to me and let me know.  For things I may have said or done to you that were wrong or hurt your feelings, please forgive me.  Let’s hug and praise the Lord and move forward.

See how easy that choice is?


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