Thursday, July 16, 2009

Nice day

Thank God for this wonderful day of resting and friends.

I wasn't feeling my best this morning, so I stayed in while Don took his mom to Pauls Valley to visit her sister.  He came home with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.  Yummm.

He also cooked dinner for us and you know that was wonderful.

After dinner, the guys, Rick and Don, wanted a rematch in Spades with Wendy and I, as we were the champs last night.  Not so tonight, but it did take them five games to beat us.  ;-)

Now, I am catching up reading blogs of friends and emails.  Peggy from The Traveling Cardinals, sent me this video.  Click COLORS and enjoy.  I sure did.  Thanks, Peggy!

I'm thankful that my brother got home safely today from Guam where he's been for the last couple of weeks.

We are so blessed.

[What?  No pictures????]

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