Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One in a million x 2

Finally, I got a good picture of a very young Robin. No, not one in a million, but very special to me, anyway.100_0802

Mama Trudy report:

This morning:  Very dizzy, to the point of almost passing out, even laying in the bed.  Laid a cool wash cloth on her forehead.

Next came an anxiety attack, at which point she felt like she couldn’t breathe.

And then there was an invisible elephant sitting on her chest.

The appropriate medications were administered and she began to relax.  Thank You, Jesus.

I am so thankful that she knows how she feels and can let me know what’s going on with her so I know what I need to do for her.

She ate a nice lunch, for her.  Napped peacefully.

This afternoon, she has been reminiscing about people and times in her life.

I never knew that my daddy was well known among the farm owners in the Plainview, Texas area.  He could clean up a cotton field of Johnson grass better than anyone, and it only took him one season.  Most of the names, she remembers.  There were a few names she couldn’t remember today, but she remembered if any farmer needed his field cleaned up, they knew who to hire.

I asked her about the little Negro girl that I remember playing with.  Mama related that she belonged to a family which was part of about six to eight families that came from Corsicana, Texas in the fall to help harvest cotton on the farm where we worked, in west Texas.  One family lived in the “wash shed,” my little friend’s family lived in our basement, and the rest lived in the big barn.  Mama said she worried about them cooking in the basement, afraid they would burn down the house, but they were very careful.  That was about sixty years ago.  No one would dream of allowing strangers to live in their basement today, would they.  I wish I could remember that little girl’s name.  We played everyday and swam in the irrigation ditches.

[He sure sings pretty, too, but not one in a million.]100_0809

At one point when I went in to check on her, she said, “Pull up that chair, I want to tell you what I’ve been thinking.”  It seems that a young girl from her past, Patty Scruggs, has been on her mind.  She told me all about her and when she married and then when her husband divorced her and how broken hearted she was.  Now, I must find out what has happened to Patty, for Mama.

I couldn’t remember the last name of a young man who was my escort in the Navarro County Youth Expo queen contest, but Mama remembered.  She’s amazing. (Hence, the title) I got first runner-up.  I had to give a speech, but was probably scared unconscious because I don’t remember any of it.  I do remember riding in the rodeo grand entry and being introduced.  Of course I remember that… I was on a horse.

Later in the afternoon, Mama called me and when I went in her room and sat down in the rocker by her bed, she was sitting on the side of her bed and she said, “Put my shoes on.”  I replied, “I have sandals on, I don’t need your shoes on, but thank you, anyway.”  We got so tickled.  Her smiling at me lit up the room.  You know, we need to laugh at least twelve times a day for good health, so I’m doing my best to see that she laughs every day.  It makes me healthy just to see her smile.

[In this picture, looks like the poor fellow flew into something a “smushed” his head feathers. But he’s still pretty and still not one in a million.]100_0807

I must brag on my wonderful husband just a little.  He’s been very concerned for Mama today and being a heart patient himself, understands a lot of what is going on with mama better than I do.  At one point this morning, he asked if we needed to give her one of his nitro pills.  I told him that I had asked the nurse about nitro for mama and she had explained that with mama’s blood pressure being so unpredictable that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea and Don agreed that since her blood pressure was low yesterday, nitro wasn’t a solution, but still he was concerned.  Our plan today had been to get out for a few hours while my brother, Jon, stayed with Mama.  Jon came over.  We were ready to go, physically (I got all prettied up while Mama was asleep), but when I said, “I can’t decide whether I want to leave or not,” Don said, “No, we’re not going anywhere.”  Knowing how much Don’s loves it when he and I can get out and go somewhere together, tears welled up in my eyes and my brother was moved in like manner and told Don how blessed we all are that he is in our family.

Again. Hence, the title of this post.

I am so blessed.

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