Monday, December 5, 2011

Marvelous Monday

Wow! Our December calendar is getting busy!  Lots of things going on this month.

I managed to make it to Walk Away the Pounds this morning.  Worked up a good sweat for 2.5 miles.

Next was the “lets watch wet paint dry” time.  Better known as the Monday Morning Meeting here at the Tip.  However, it was more interesting this morning, thanks to characters like Rene St.James. 

A new website is being created to help residents know what’s going on in the park.

I’ve made an ‘executive’ decision.  We have officially started an iPad Fund at the Q.  Got to have one of those.

Don and I had to make a trip to Camping World for a few RV items this afternoon.  Being so close, we buzzed on over to visit Snookie and Bob and wound up staying for a few hours.  What a good time we had with them.  Loved hearing about their trip to the Bull Fight at Santa Maria in LaGloria.  I still can’t believe they are this close to us this season!

We stopped at a fresh produce place.  They had fresh squeezed orange juice and grapefruit juice.  Yum-yum.

Beautiful day today.  Cooler, but very nice in the sun.

What??? No pictures???


Snookie said...

I wrote the message on Facebook before I came here to read. What's that saying??? Great minds.. said...

I'm curious, why an Ipad? I haven't come close to figuring out our "android" phone. Sometimes not a fun machine (phone).