Friday, June 6, 2008

more prayer needed

This half full jug of milk represents the fact that Lucy 100_6614and Bubba just left for Shreveport , and are not sure when they will be back.  They received a call this morning that Lucy's youngest brother died this morning... heart attack.   Lucy had already taken two of her TN meds this morning, so bless her heart, she is in very slow motion... having a difficult time wrapping her mind around the fact that her brother is gone.  There is a good side to this... younger brother became a Christian not long ago and his life had turned around.  We rejoiced together in this knowledge.  He's with Jesus. 

Lucy's long, long time friend, Carol, helped her get packed while Jimmy put the patio away and locked up the bicycles.  Carol's husband, Glen, joined us and helped Jimmy(Bubba).  We prayed for them before they got in the truck, got Lucy situated in the back seat... she'll sleep all the way to Shreveport.  Much prayer is needed.  We don't know how long 100_6613they will have to stay there, but we know they will return... their RV is here. Jesus, protect them and comfort them.  Amen.

We also learned that LaNae's basketball coach at the University of Oklahoma, Burl Plunkett, passed away last night after a long battle with cancer...  as LaNae drives with her grandmother to the funeral of her great-uncle in Texas.

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