Tuesday, June 3, 2008

do we understand?

deadheat-smallWhen I finished reading Dead Heat by Joel Rosenberg, I  signed up for his "Flash Traffic" emails.  Today, I received the following link (http://joelrosenberg.blogspot.com/) & I am compelled to post it.  I recommend all five of Joel Rosenberg's novels that are based on Joel's interpretation of the Bible's revelation of the end times.  Joel lives in Washington, D.C. and has been in Israel on numerous occasions.  What's the importance of Israel?  Israel will be the focus of the whole world during the time before Jesus returns to the earth for His Bride, The Church... all who are Christians.  If you are not a Christian,  or are not sure, you must, and you can, make sure that your are Christian.  <<click

So, based on the fact that Israel will be where all eyes are looking, do you understand how important it is that the United States remains a strong ally of Israel?  God says in the Bible that no army or nation will stand who attacks Israel with the intent of destroying her.  I believe HIM, as does every true Christian.  God also says that HE will bless the nations who bless Israel.  I believe HIM.

Toward the end of Joel's posting is a list of things that we as believers need to be praying for, daily.  I would like to ask you to add another prayer for the United States:  that we remain a strong and true ally to Israel; that every person in our government would see the importance of blessing Israel.  Outside of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I don't see that that is possible, so that leads me to pray for every person in government to realize their own personal sinful and lost condition and pray to God for forgiveness and salvation.  I pray that God would place within each one a burning desire to do God's will and follow His Word and plans.  Please join me in this prayer, regularly, if not daily.

I was asked recently, "what do you do all day?"  This is the most important thing I do all day, I pray.  I pray while doing the things I do all day and I pray when I'm doing nothing but sitting.  Reading Dead Heat, caused burning houseme to want to run up and down the streets, telling everyone I meet, "Your house is on fire!!"   If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior, your house is on fire.  If you saw someone's house on fire, would you want to make sure they new their house was burning and being destroyed???   Do we not urge people to purchase fire insurance and life insurance?  As a follower of Christ Jesus, you can have both, forever, and the awesome part is: your premiums have all been paid in full.

I pray this serves as a challenge to every believer to pray, pray, pray for all the lost people that God places on your heart and mind; to pray for our nation; to pray for our government leaders; and to pray for ISRAEL.

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