Thursday, April 14, 2011

“No Parking!”

There’s not a lot going on these days.  The park looks like a ghost town almost.  Don still walks and visits with a few that are still in the park.  I still “Walk Away the Pounds” on M-W-F and walk the manager almost every day.

Today, Don suggested that we go to Jason’s Deli for lunch, so off we went.

Walking across the parking lot, we noticed a police motorcycle parked under a tree.  As we crossed the lot, the policeman came out of the Deli and started over to the far left from the front door.  Suddenly he turned and grinned at me sheepishly and I asked him if he lost his motorcycle and pointed to where it was.

While this little bit of fun was taking place a girl parked in a “No Parking” fire lane, came out of the Deli with her to-go order, got in her car and promptly backed into Don. 100_1790 I heard a loud pop, turned around in time to see Don holding his left hand and a pained face.  The girl got out of her car and asked him if he was ok. 

“I’m fine.”  And into Jason’s Deli he went.

Of course, I followed him, but noticed that the police officer came back and said something to her.  She probably should have gotten a ticket and we probably should have gotten her insurance information, but we didn’t and she didn’t.100_1789

Thankfully, Don’s hand doesn’t seem to be broken, just bruised a little.  Also thankful that he didn’t fall.

Count it all joy!


Claudia said...

As usual, you are such a great story teller. It makes me feel that we are right there. The images are so interesting. I'm also glad Don was not more seriously injured. The company that I used to work for built most of the water tanks in victoria, TX. (just a lil' piece of nonuseful info for you)

Joel and Linda said...

Now I am wondering how Don hurt his hand, did he hit the girl?? :-)
I know he didn't but can't figure out what happened to his hand. Let me know OK?