Sunday, there were more arrivals in the park who were in church. There were about the same number in church as last week so Don mentioned that he must be running some folks off. We don’t like to think that, but it could be true; however, Don is responsible to the Lord to preach the Truth and tell these dear folks about Jesus Christ. Which means that he will have to give an account to God that he preached the Gospel to everyone who came to church. If they don’t believe, it’s because they choose not to believe and not because they didn’t hear Truth. It would be so wonderful for Don to be able to baptize new believers in Christ while we are here.
After church we were invited to the Country Omelet by Lyla and Monte. That was very enjoyable and it’s always fun getting to know folks better.
Yesterday was such a beautiful day with only a slight breeze. It was a bit warm at 95 degrees, but it was a pretty day. And Don is finally feeling good. Praise God.
Last night, Dennis and Sally came over for burgers and a couple of games of cards. After Sally and I BOTH spilled ice water on our guys, they got even with us by beating us in Spades.
About 3:00 AM, another cool front BLEW in with gusts that rocked the Q and this morning the wind is still high turning the palm trees inside out.
Clara M. came by at 8:30 to pick us up and go with her to the food bank at the United Methodist Church here in Pharr. Today is food distribution day. We met the folks who organize and run the food bank. And Mrs. M. presented them with the $1200.00 (plus) check from our Valley Community Church here at the park. Every third Sunday, all of the offering is donated to the local food bank. In this picture, the carts are already loaded and the people are waiting in line outside. Numbered vouchers have already been passed out to the amount of people that there is enough food for.
We met Dorothy Lezy and Otto Lawson this morning who both remembered when our friends, John and Judy Long worked on a N.O.M.A.D. project here in the valley a few years ago.
This volunteer walked by and saw my camera in my hand and immediately struck a real nice pose for me and then gave me a “high five.”
While we were waiting for the bread truck to arrive, Sam, another volunteer, played “name that tune” with us on his harmonica, which he played by ear, very well. He loved playing the hymns for us and I guessed quite a few.
We saw a H.E.B. commercial on TV last night and they wished us a MERRY CHRISTMAS… not a happy holiday, but a MERRY CHRISTMAS. So…. I went to their website and sent then a very sincere Thank You note expressing my appreciation for not be intimidated into omitting the word Christmas from their commercial. You can do the same:
You know, there would not be a holiday if it wasn’t for Christ. You would think that the retailers would be grateful for that and happy to express a little gratitude instead of omitting mention of the very reason for the season. What are they thinking???? They’ll lose my business if they’re ashamed of my Jesus Christ.
While Don went barber shop hunting, I experienced another first this afternoon: I went to Chorus practice. Nancy Beilke (remember, we sat across the table from she and John at Thanksgiving) is the director and does a great job, as far as my untrained ear can tell. We had fun, anyway.