Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday’s Here!

And it arrived bright and shining.100_4796
With a few clouds, giving us a hope of rain, which is unlike the hope we have in Jesus Christ, which is certain.100_4798
We found another addition to the chapel when we opened the door this morning. 100_4799
Someone has placed another keyboard on the platform. 100_4800
One of our favorite things about church here is watching folks walking to worship.  It’s so cool to see them walking from all directions. 100_4801
Yvonne drove her mom, Ms. Nancy, in her car. 100_4802
Regulars Peggy, Tony (song leader), Abby and Shaylynn (keyboard player), Debbie and Richard.  100_4804
Listen… to God.
Learn… what He’s saying.
Live it.
That was the sermon in a nutshell.  James 1:19-27
There were 16 in the house this morning when we wondered if there would be one with so few rigs in the park.
God is good.  All the time.

1 comment:

Joel and Linda said...

LaVon, you look like you are wasting away to nothing:-) Your diet is going well it looks like. I just posted a note on your 9/9/09 blog!!