Still licking our lips of any left over apple ice cream enjoyed at The Apple Store, we continue down Highway 16 and soon discovered the Hill Country Resort & Event Center.
Don pulled in and went were welcomed at the office by Jeremy, a super nice young man who shared with us how the previous owners had let the park get run down, but the current owners were doing a lot of renovating and trying to get Winter Texans to give them a chance.
The activity hall and the game room are being renovated.
The kitchen and dining hall are adjoined to the activity hall.
The welcome center with the office to the right. This picture was taken just inside the front door.
The library area to the left of the front door.
The swimming pool is in the shape of the state of Texas.
Not sure how many cabins there are, but there’s several.
To get campers coming and coming back, their winter rate for RV’s is quite attractive. The location is very pretty, but is really only accessible from Bandera. One would not want to try their rig or pull their rig from Kerrville to this park. You’ll understand in a few seconds. But Jeremy assured us that many activities are planned for the winter season to keep residents more than busy. We enjoyed our tour and Jeremy was encouraging regarding having a chaplain there.
Continuing on, we spotted a house on the ridge in front of us.
What a view they must have from their perch on top of the hill. We love the porch all around the house.
Do you believe I took the next three pictures without stopping the truck? Is that an inviting swimming hole or what?
We love the Hill Country.
Next stop was the Koyote Ranch.
We didn’t get out here, but there was a store and gas pumps and quite a few cabins.
The signs says there are RV sites, but we couldn’t drive into the park without checking in at the office, and we weren’t interested in do that. Their website reveals RV sites, however.
So back out on Highway 16 we went. And now you are going to see why we would not suggest anyone pull or drive their rig on this road.
And here you could check your tail lights while driving.
Highway 16 is a biker’s dream route.
Just a pretty place along the route.
In a few minutes, we were back at the Q and very glad we got out and about the Hill Country today. Hope you enjoyed it, too. Too bad you couldn’t taste the apple ice cream! :-)
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