Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mama Trudy update email

Mama's coughing has increase starting yesterday. Which means that the congestion around her heart is worse. Coughed most of the night. A lot since before 3:00 AM.  Also, with the coughing she can hardly breathe. Jon is going to call the Dr this morning for diuretic and to start hospice so she'll have a Dr coming here to check her weekly and a nurse will come regularly.

Dizziness is worse with spells of almost passing out. If she's horizontal with eyes closed, she has relief, usually. Spends a lot of time horizontal. However, breathing is more difficult when she's horizontal. It's a catch 22.

She is determined to move around some everyday and so far we haven't missed an evening without playing a little Mexican Train dominos.

She also has not missed a day without reading her Bible. When she can't read, I will read to her. She is still praising God.100_0141

Thank you for praying for us.

Because He lives,
LaVon & Don, Mama Trudy and Jon DeRusha

PS. Dr will not prescribe meds without seeing her. If coughing persists, the hospital may be our next move, depending on how quickly hospice will start.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

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