Sunday, June 24, 2012

TastyKakes are yummm-eeeee

For about a week now… ever since Snookie (of Quinn’s Awesome Journey blog fame) called me asking for our mailing address, I have been waiting excitedly for a box.  It finally arrived at Leslie’s yesterday and we picked it up today after church.  (We would have picked it up earlier, but were out of town visiting my cousin.)100_1255

TASTYKAKE!! Four different flavors!! Finally, the treat that we have heard so much about!  Of course, I had to open the box at Leslie’s and share with the Grands.

100_1256Don and I tried a chocolate/peanut butter Kandy Kake immediately… Tasty!!Thumbs up

When we got back to the Q, we just had to have a butterscotch flavor Krimpet.  Don bit into his so fast, I wasn’t ready with the camera so the picture is a little blurry, but you get the idea.100_1257

Mouth is full, waiting to take next bite.Thumbs up100_1258

Butterscotch Krimpets are very tasty! Thumbs upThumbs up100_1260

Weight loss efforts???100_1261


Thanks, Snookie!!!  So far, we love Tastykakes.  In the morning, we’ll have the crème filled Koffee Kakes with our coffee…. if we can wait that long.

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