Thursday, September 1, 2011

What’s on my mind today:

Never has there been so much devastation going on in the world in a year's time:







tornadoes <see video<, stormchasers_three



riots,London Riots

vomiting economy...  (however you picture that)

I will be one of the first to acknowledge the hand of God.  It takes a blind person not to see that God is trying to get our attention.  He’s giving us a chance to turn to Him. 


Jesus is coming and He's coming soon.

It's getting harder and harder for Christians to share Jesus Christ with the world, because hearts are hard and they do not want to hear about Jesus or their need for a Savior. This, my friends, is a sign of the end, just like when Noah tried to warn the people about the flood... for 125 years, people rejected him and ridiculed him.

But the flood came anyway.  God sent the flood and God is sending these signs and warnings because He loves us… because we are an evil people and we are not listening to His word being preached, so maybe some will listen to the devastation going on in the world.

God help us to hold fast, as Noah did, to Jesus Christ and share His love and salvation with our friends and enemies.  We don’t have much time.  I don’t know how much time, maybe 125 years, but maybe we are at the end of 125 years.  It could be God’s appointed time for Him to say,


People are “afraid” to get concerned, “afraid” to speak up, ashamed to say “Turn to Jesus Christ before it’s too late!”  People are afraid folks will laugh at them and call them “fear mongers.”  Well, people, if your house was on fire, wouldn’t you want to know it?!!!!  You might say, “LaVon, just because you say my house is on fire doesn’t it make it so.”  But if I’m right?…. better to be safe than sorry.

Oh, the people would understand that it is Satan who is deceiving them into not believing in Jesus Christ.  Why?  Because he wants lots of company in eternal hell, forever.  Please don’t go with him.  Come with me to the throne of Grace and Mercy and Truth, to Jesus Christ.  Life with Him is the sweetest… I didn’t say it’s easy, but it’s the most satisfying and joyous and oh, the peace.  And it is gloriously eternal, with Him.  Did I say eternal?  Yes!  Forever!

Please encourage your Christian friends and let’s always to remember to pray for each other. 

God is still on His Throne.

Thank You, Father, that we have the sure hope of You and that You are always with us, no matter what comes.  Thank you for the righteousness of Jesus that covers us.  Please give us the courage, grace and love to share You with those You give us the opportunity to share with.  Forgive us when we fail You and show us Your path.  In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

~~Psalm 37~~


Joel and Linda said...

Scary but I think it is really true!

J.O. said...

Thanks for sharing this. I am working in the Czech Republic which has a lot of atheists. The work can be hard and slow...

Norm and Lori said...

PTL, He is coming again, SOON! We need to take every opportunity, and every moment, to share with the lost, the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is the one true Lord, and Savior, and the only way to the Father. Being bold for Christ!