Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Focus on the Family tour

At Golden Eagle Ranch RV Park just outside Colorado Springs.100_2084

In spite of the elevation issues we’re having, we are getting out of the Q today.100_2086

Don was waiting on me. Now I am waiting on him. Smile100_2087


I don’t know how Don spotted this turkey way over in the woods, but he did… Eagle Eyes… and he stopped so I could get a couple of pictures.100_2090100_2091100_2093

Both the rider and the dog wondered why I was taking their picture, I’m sure.100_2094

A lovely scene.100_2095

A cross on top of a steeple catches my eye every time.100_2097

The next few pictures were taken at the Focus on the Family Welcome Center.  Very interesting.100_2098100_2099100_2108100_2109100_2110100_2112

Late this afternoon, this bird sure was being very vocal… not exactly a songbird.  I think he was fussing at a hummer.  I hope you enjoy the experimental editing.100_2114



