Saturday, February 2, 2013

Re-connect with Jim & Paula

I suppose I am ready to post a “half-way to my goal” reveal.  This week, we went to Goodwill and I found a few pair of jeans and tops in smaller sizes than I’ve .been wearing because all of my clothes are now very baggy on me and look tacky.  I will admit that I’m just a little giddy over my success in losing 40+ pounds thus far.


We were so excited when Paula Inglis called and said they were driving over to see us this afternoon.  The last time our paths crossed was in south Texas in 2011. We just picked up where we left off.  Jim and Paula and I go way back to the 1970’s.

Paula has to get Jim’s shirt straightened for the picture.Paula getting Jim fixed for a picture

We are so tickled that Paul and Jim are in the Phoenix area this winter.J

Love, love, love this beautiful lady.P1000757


Joel and Linda said...

Looking good LaVon. Real will power!!!

LaVon Baker said...

Thanks, y'all!!!