Monday, September 10, 2012

New friends

We don’t usually stay at KOA Campgrounds, but tonight, we did… at Las Vegas, New Mexico.

They have a “café” here and as we walk there we passed through the patio area.  The kitchen is the open air building to the left.Cafe to the left where we ate dinner and met new friends.

In the office/store, I took a picture of this baby swimsuit.  It looks bigger, but I promise it’s only about six inches long.100_3514

As we were eating a couple came in and sat down at the table beside us.  It’s amazing what I can capture when the camera is at table level.100_3515

Well, of course we struck up a conversation with Doreen and Mike!  They are wonderful folks from Thousand Oaks, California.  We chatted and chatted.Doreen & Mike from Thousand Oaks, Calif.  (Michigan & Washington)

We also met Debbie & Denny who are owners of this KOA and very interested in having a chaplain here.Debbie & Denny, owners/managers/chef

Well, here we are at 6,521 feet altitude and still struggling with the oxygen thing.  So tomorrow, we move to Albuquerque for a few days and then on south to lower elevations.

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