Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kris keeps on! (Kris update)

Dear Friends and Loved Ones:

Kris keeps on!  Sounds like a good title, doesn't it?  Well, that's just the case.  She keeps on surprising everyone and answering prayers.  (Thanks to all of you for all of them!!!)

First, this week's update is late because I was hoping we would hear from the insurance company.  The neurologist here at the rehab facility wants to give Kris a Botox injection in her neck muscle to help her be able to more comfortably move her head to the right and keep it upright.  This would help greatly in giving her better sitting balance but in full body balance in general.  It would also relieve her neck of the terrible stiffness and soreness that has accumulated through the long months of keeping her head turned to the left.  This is her own body trying to protect the right side of her head (where the injury is) by keeping her head always turned to the left.  The insurance company, unfortunately, hasn't approved the injection (after weeks of waiting) because they were not certain why it is necessary.  Dr. Moreledge had to write a letter explaining how important this is for her recovery process, so we are waiting again. 

Next, her swallow study (which was done over a week ago) showed that her epiglottis still hasn't dropped back into position to cover the airway when she swallows.  It's amazing how they can use x-ray equipment to watch her swallow, and it is very clear that hasn't begun to work properly.  However, the speech therapist agrees that giving Kris small amounts of soft foods (such as yogurt, sherbet and pudding) can really help her to keep swallowing.  When she is slightly reclined, gravity helps to pull the food down her esophagus, which is actually in back of the wind pipe.  Aspiration occurs when food goes down the wind pipe and gets into the lungs, which can cause pneumonia.  So great care is needed and constant moistening of the mouth, which is really what I have been doing.  She's doing so well with the swallowing now, but the brain just has to do it's thing now and tell that little epiglottis to get to work.

Beyond that, Kris is becoming more and more animated.  She is trying very hard to speak, and laughs at funny happenings and things we say or do.  She even laughs at funny things on TV when we're watching Everybody Loves Raymond, or some of the old Lucy shows.  Her cognizant level is amazing, and she is truly answering questions and telling us her needs in many different ways: hand squeezes, pointing with her foot, and now even shaking her head yes or no a little.  The Botox will help the head movement tremendously, too.  In addition, and most importantly, when she has that cranial implant done, we truly believe Kris will continue to really improve by leaps and bounds.  Her appointment with Dr. Teff, the neurosurgeon at Brooke Army Medical Center, on September 8th is the key.  Please, please pray that he will see how greatly she has progressed and that the surgery is paramount in her recovery!  Dr. Teff has been known, we are told, to say "Let's do it now!"... and that's what we are hoping for!!!

Personally, we have decided Austin is nice, but we wouldn't want to live here.  The traffic is non-stop, seven days a week.  I have never seen so much traffic all day, all evening (I'm definitely not out at night!), all the time.  But we have met some wonderful folks, especially at the rehab center.  People have miracle stories to share and it's quite a "family" thing here.  And lots of prayers by all religions.  There is a family from India here with there son, and they are so polite and precious.  Wonderful people who credit answers to prayers for their son's recovery. 

Again, I must thank you all for emails, cards, phone calls, and the prayers.  If I don't return a phone call, please, please call again.  If we are in Kris's room, most phone calls don't come through.  But I can get the voice mail and call back.  I try to answer emails, but may not get to them very often.  The day's are quite long.  We do take a few hours now and then and get groceries or go to eat or see a movie.  But, most of all, I am there or we are there and I worry more not to be.  Her sweet smile is now on both sides of her face; the left side is moving more.  She raises herself up so that I can pull her shirt down when I'm dressing her, and she is gaining strength now in her right hand.  Standing her up from a seated position in her wheelchair or the bed is marvelous; she pushes herself right up.  And she is even gaining more strength in her legs and feet, although she has been plagued with some muscle cramping in her legs lately.  All of those muscles are waking up now and kicking in.  She is (as Dr. Moreledge says every time he sees her) quite awesome!!!

Prayers are fantastic.  I simply cannot thank you all enough.  Thanks for your patience in waiting and wanting to hear about Kris.  It is just such a joy to tell you all... she appreciates all you are doing, too!!!  I read all the cards and emails to her.

Blessings and many hugs,

Carol and George

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