Monday, July 26, 2010

Road Trip!!! Leroy to Charlevoix


After breakfast at Mr. Pib’s, we met out at the Gingrich Farm to load up for our sight-seeing trip… six crazy old senior citizens in an Avalanche!

Check out Larry’s shoes….. 100_0280

I immediately nicknamed him Tweety Bird.100_0278

Kathy and Elaine, ready to roll!100_0279

I think I’ve already said, “we’re crazy.”  100_0283

Kathy found this hat in their Avalanche, so Elaine and I had to check it out.  OK, so Elaine looks better in the hat.  Tiny little thing looks good in anything!100_0284

Our first stop along Lake Michigan.100_0293


And here we are, thanks to the nice man who volunteered was drafted to take our picture.100_0297

Lake Michigan is just so large, I think it should be called the Michigan Freshwater Sea.100_0299

Elaine and I climbed to the top level of this.100_0307

Next stop.100_0323

It was closed, so we didn’t get to climb to the top.100_0316

Don got to stick his hand in the Lake.100_0315

Will someone please explain why a person would have a bicycle on a boat?100_0321

The one and only covered bridge we saw.100_0326100_0328

Time for lunch!!100_0333

Near our picnic site, a dead tree.100_0339

Next we saw the dunes. Acres and acres of sand.  We didn’t dothis >>here<<, but it would be a great family vacation and lots of fun.100_0343100_0351100_0354100_0383

Making me nervous!  It’s about four hundred feet from where Don is standing to the water’s edge.100_0359

From this observation deck, it is 450 feet to the water’s edge.100_0361

You can barely see people, mostly very young, walking down or climbing up the sand slide.100_0363

With my 15X zoom, we can see people playing in the water.100_0364

To my right, looking up the beach.  That little white speck in the water is…..100_0373a boat.100_0371

There were about a half dozen of these flying around.  100_0366

Another beautiful view.100_0382

At one of our stops, we could see this beautiful farm way in the distance.100_0353

And the road we were on, took us right to it.100_0386

We also visited…100_0392

And the Blacksmith’s Shop. 100_0394100_0400

For the night, we stayed in Charlevoix.  Here we saw a schooner in the bay.100_0427

Our motel had beautiful lilies.   100_0435

We thought we would play cards when we stopped for the night, but we were just so tired, we all turned in early.  What a wonderful day we’ve had.  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the safety you provide and all the beauty of Your Creation.

1 comment:

Wendy and Rick Fury said...

Some people take their bikes on the boat so that when they stop on any of the islands, they have a way to get around. On one of the islands in Lake Erie, you can rent bicycles or golf carts to get around the island. So glad you are having fun!