Sunday, May 9, 2010

Holy, holy ,holy

The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!" (Revelation 4:8)

Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord. - Ephesians 5:19

When we bless God for mercies, we usually prolong them. When we bless God for miseries, we usually end them. Praise is the honey of life which a devout heart extracts from every bloom of providence and grace. - C. H. Spurgeon


Some days find us more eager to rejoice than others. Some days, something big and wonderful happens in our lives, and joyful feelings flow freely. Other days are difficult, and other days are simply ordinary. Nothing to write home about.
But Paul admonishes us to rejoice always. And whether we realize it or not, we have good reason to. We have the promise of God’s love and salvation and His grace to pull us through any circumstance. We also have the promise of His Spirit working within us to make us more like Him and more able to live joyful, productive lives.
When we know God and walk closely with Him, every day can be extraordinary. So rejoice throughout the day!

God, Your presence is the best thing in my life. Today I want to pray prayers of rejoicing and thanks throughout the day. Amen.

We were so blessed to hear an amazing Mother’s Day sermon today. Leslie's pastor used an analogy of the eagle and her eaglets and the nest, and the imprint the mother eagle makes on her eaglets, and the pain of leaving the nest, and the faith it takes to leave the nest for both the eaglet and the parent eagles who watch that process.... you get the picture.  It was eye-opening for me.

I was awake much of last night and how encouraging it is to know that one of our sweet friends was also awake and praying at the same time I was.  How blessed I am to be loved by such caring people.  During that time of my awake hours, God revealed to me that the basis of a loved ones anger and behavior is because they are afraid.... afraid to be alone.... just plain afraid. Fear is a powerful thing… even controlling.  He has revealed this to me before and He reminded me again last night.  So I have been asking Jesus to bind that spirit of fear that torments our loved one and give freedom from all bondages.

In church this morning, His revelations continued... God assured me that He is working, that all I am witnessing testifies to that fact. I have been asking Him to work in the heart and life of a loved one. Did I think that His work in that life would not affect me??  "Count it all joy" came alive in a new way this morning.  Because I know that God is at work, I can and do praise Him for what I'm experiencing, the pain and grief is His promise that He is delivering victory to those we pray for. My pain has been put in it's rightful place!!

Some would argue that it’s too vague, but the most powerful prayer we can pray is that "God's will be done in our life or someone else’s life."  When we pray that God's will be done, we are submitting all to Him; we aren't telling Him how to do it; we are telling Him we trust Him, completely, totally.  Therefore, we can praise Him for the outcome for His Will is perfect.

I recall those stages of sanctification we talked about in Bible study this past winter at Sunscape.   I'm experiencing one of those stages now.  I am another stage closer to more completely understanding what it means to live a "saved" life, to be surrendered to God's plan for my life.  With my life being His life, all things/situations/circumstances in my life are for good, even the pain... I know it's place.  He is totally and completely trustworthy with my life.  Liberation has reached a whole new level for me.  And the praiseworthy fact is that He is doing the same for those we pray for.  Our Father delights in answering our prayers. 

Praise His Holy Name!

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