My goodness! It's Friday already.
We've had a very good week of visiting with friends and new friends here at Sunscape, praying with people, talking to ministry peers, rejoicing, weeping, rejoicing.
Congratulations to Barbara and Darrell Howard on the birth of their new and healthy grandson, Tyler. He is beautiful and we are rejoicing with you. Fun times ahead!!
Don wrote Sunday's Coming and we got it posted and have had a few responses from it, which we always welcome and look forward to.
Wednesday, Don went to the Men's Bible Study in the morning, while I wrestled with Blogger to get Sunday's Coming posted. For the longest, I got no response from Blogger.
Wednesday afternoon, the Sunscape Fire Department took the truck out for a test run, just to make sure everything is still working.Thursday, we found ourselves over at Quail Run visiting with Rick and Wendy. As we were walking around, we spotted the hot air balloon that goes up almost every afternoon from the Eloy Airport.
Chuck and Janet have arrived at Q.R. and we had fun visiting with them. In this picture we were laughing about a call Rick just got on his cell phone. It was a young kid (wrong number) who asked for his Granny. Chuck said, "You should have said, 'No, this his your Grandpa Rick. What are you doing on the phone?!!'" From there, the suggested responses just got worse. You can only imagine.
Today, Friday morning choir practice. Our numbers are growing and we love it!
"The greatest pleasures of earth cannot be compared to the joys of heaven."
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