Friday, it was cloudy.Friday night, while we were visiting with neighbors, it came a little shower. It smelled wonderful... the wet sand, clean air.
Oh, yes, we played a game of Nil with the friends and, the girls still rock. Just saying.... better success next time, guys. (wink, wink)
This morning, still cloudy with evidence in the pavement cracks of the moisture last night.Don and I walked up to the Community Center to look over the craft sale. I met author Peggy Grich, who is staying in the park with her husband for a month or so.
Maybe I will look her up and buy one of her books.
Back at the Q, we found that Betty, who records the service each Sunday in the sound booth, had left a CD recording of Sunday's sermon. It can be found at along with other CRM chaplain messages.
This afternoon, Don's blood pressure is down to normal. An answer to many prayers. Thank you if you were one of them.
We were watching a football game on TV (Baylor vs Texas... if you didn't see it, don't ask) when we heard a soft sound on the roof of the Q and then a distant rumble. Another answered prayer... it was raining and it rained almost all afternoon. Wonderful wet, soaking, rain. I said wet rain, didn't I? Oh, well, it's my blog. No, actually, I said, wet comma soaking comma rain. Anyway, you get the idea. We are very thankful for the rain. Very. Thankful. Ok, I'll stop.
You know, in an RV park, you just never know what you might see.Yes, that is a very large pair of John Deere print "drawers" up the flag pole at Ray and Elaine Anderson's park model. It seems while they were away recently, Larry-Larry and Jack (local pranksters who we played Nil with last night) hoisted this new flag. We are a little nervous about going away for a few days, if we get the opportunity. No telling what we might find at our site when we return. Thanks to Elaine, Larry-Larry's wife, for sharing this photo with me. It's too funny.
At least, the Sooners won tonight. Sorry A & M fans.
Mom report: There's news regarding Mama Trudy, my mom. She's moving to Georgia to live near my brother. We are very relieved about this and she's very excited. I'm praying she will manage to sleep between now and the 15th of December. Guess where we will be going during the summer months? My brother and nephews have 6 1/2 months to get a site ready for the Q. Let's see... 50 amps, sewer hook up, water hook up. That should do it.
Grandchildren report: Emma is over pink-eye. Thank the Lord, and thank the Lord, Camden didn't get it, nor anyone else in their house. It would be a shame to mess with these brown eyes:
Logan's first grade football team won their league championship game this morning. Season record: 14-0. Undefeated! Way to go, Logan!
Sad report: We had another death in the park. Sharon only lost her husband this summer and now she's gone. Please pray for her family.
Happy report: There's a new addition to the Q.... a portable ice maker!! We've been looking for one for a long time and found one on sale the other day. No more going back to the store to buy a bag of ice when we forget it while we're out. And now we have a whole empty shelf in the freezer, ready for a sale on meats. Look at those beautiful ice "rounds!"And it looks nice on the counter, too.
Tomorrow is Sunday, so I'm going to bed. Signing off with a favorite praise song, The Revelation Song. G'nite. We are so blessed.
Yay -- an ice maker -- I don't think it would be fun living without that... I love the pictures and glad to hear that Emma is over the pink eye...
Great pictures of the grandchildren. Also, I forget to tell you that I love your sunset picture on your blog - beautiful... I'm sure you are glad your Mom is going to be close to your brother.
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