After being inside for a week (seems like a month), I ventured out this morning for church. More folks have arrived this past week and more showed up for church. It's great to see the "house" filling up for worship service. Since I didn't sing in the choir this morning, I sat with Wendy and Rick during church. The message was from Esther 6:1-5 entitled "Remember Who Is In Charge." A really good message for our times and circumstances.
This afternoon, we headed to Maricopa (where famous Joe is the sheriff) to set up a CRM Int'l information booth at a Baptist associational meeting at the First Baptist Church there.
About a mile from our park is this veggie stand, complete with "facilities."A little further down the highway, we noticed the big bales of cotton sitting in the field. Yeah! They are beginning to get the cotton in.
There is still lots of cotton in the fields, though.
Wild horses in Maricopa.
After the meeting, we were all served a Mexican meal under tents outside. The sun had gone down leaving a soft light to eat by and cooler temp.
We stayed for the evening service at the FBC, Maricopa, on John Wayne Boulevard, and heard a tremendous sermon offered by a seventeen year old preacher. Our prayer is that God will raise up thousands of young men like Trey Van Camp. He challenged both his peers and his elders to earnestly and urgently share the salvation of Jesus Christ with everyone. It was very encouraging to hear such wisdom coming from one so young.
We enjoyed our trip to Maricopa, but I must honestly tell you that the drive there and back is the most stinky drive I've ever been on because of all the cattle feed lots and a chemical plant of some kind, like ammonia. I road the whole twenty miles with my nose covered with my blouse and still, I could hardly breathe. Dreadful.
When we pulled up to the Q about 9:00 PM, I noticed a car at the park model across the street. Toma and Jim are here!!!! I couldn't wait to get out of the truck and then I noticed their park model was dark. I bet they are so tired from their trip from Minnesota that they have gone to bed early... crossing time zones is a drag on the body. Guess I will have to wait until in the morning to hug Toma and Jim.
We are so blessed.
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