The bougainvillea has a flower in a flower.I'm very bummed that I missed Biggest Loser tonight... and forgot to record it. Abby is gone and I missed one of the best shows. She is such an inspiration and I can't believe I missed this episode!
Yes, Thelma came at 8:30 this morning and we rode our bikes eight miles.
George and Don started working on a project... steps for the Q that are a little safer for the older folks who come to visit us. Over in a common area, there are several sets of steps available for anyone who needs them, so they picked out the best set and brought them back here to work on them. A handrail was needed. So George went to work attaching a hand rail.
Now, all I need to do is paint the new steps. Thanks, George. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Around noon, the wind has already picked up and the dust is beginning to blow.
This afternoon, Nancy, George, Don and I went over to Quail Run to share a pot luck dinner with Rick, Wendy, Bob and Snookie. By the time we left, the dust was so thick, the sun was barely visible.From the road, the wind tunnel can still be seen through the dust. There are no sky divers this afternoon.
The sun is almost completely blocked by the dust blowing.
The view over Interstate 10.
It's almost a brown-out. This is what a desert dust storm looks like.
Here's Snookie arriving at the pot-luck with her wonderful potato salad and green bean salad.
Wendy said the pool was drained today for repairs. Notice how the palms trees are blowing.
The blessing for the meal has been prayed and it time to eat! Wendy, Snookie, Nancy, George.
After a wonderful meal, we thoroughly enjoyed sitting around telling stories... I think we told about eight stories and we laughed a lot.
Bob Quinn telling about riding his bike around Quail Run... 7 1/2 miles. Snookie listening to Wendy.
Wendy said, "I'm getting really sick of hearing about you riding your bike EIGHT miles EVERYDAY!"
Rick Fury
Donna O'Neil arrives......just in time to take a group picture. How funny... there's EIGHT of us!!!!
George and Nancy Reid, Don and me, Snookie and Bob Quinn, Rick and Wendy Fury.
We had a great time together. We just love these friends from our first winter in Arizona here at Quail Run, even if they teased me unmercifully tonight. It seemed that every subject discussed containing a number... well, that number was changed to eight. You know, I'm beginning to think they don't believe I ride my bike EIGHT miles everyday. Bob even wanted to know what kind of motor I have on my bike!!!
We are all so blessed!
>>What is your birth verse?<< Mine is:
2 Corinthians 5:20 NIV
We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.
Hey, you should be able to watch Abby on line here:
I don't think last night's episode is up yet, but it should be soon!
I loved the picture of the 8 of you! Just think, I've met 6 of the EIGHT!
Keep riding girl! You should be proud of that number!
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