Our good friend Barry, who loves to tease torment me, but would do anything in the world for Don, made this step for us. Barry said that first plank is pressure treated to hold me. (See what I mean?) I can't believe how much better this is to step onto and yes, it holds me just fine. Thank you Barry!!! Now, I've got to get it painted, but that will be no problem for me. I swipe a mean paint brush. The "home improvers" (Don, Bubba & Glen) went to Home Depot this morning. Don got stuff for those pesky tiny ants, two hanging baskets and two lawn hooks to hang them on. Don loves gardening. ;-)
One basket of petunias and....
one basket of impatients.
I walked over to thank Barry for making our step and found him gardening, also... really digging in the dirt and planting flowers.
While there I had to go inside and see the puppies. Although this just looks like a ball of fur, it is actually Panda, the Pomeranian puppy.
Sorry about that flash of light, Panda.
They are so tiny, especially Misty Blue. She could swim in that bowl of water and Anna said she does love to play in it.
Panda and Misty Blue keep each other company playing together.
Don joined me and we strolled on over to Bubba's and caught him practicing his chords again. Keep up the good work, Bubba.
Don was quite proud of me tonight. I made home made cornbread from scratch. The only thing that would have made it better would have been an iron skillet. Hmmm. We got rid of all our iron skillets when we down-sized.
Tonight while we were out walking, we met Birdie from Roswell, NM. Her husband was busy getting their RV set up. She was delightful. They are only staying three days, so will not be here for Sunday's worship service, but she was very encouraging to us.
It's been a pretty eventful day and at the end of this day, I rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus Christ surrounds me/us/our family with His love. The sweetest peace I can think of right now is the security of knowing that we will be re-united with our loved ones and be with them for all eternity.
This is the last posting for today. The first two follow this one below.
Good night and God bless you.
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