The Lord is Peace.
That's was the topic of our Ladies Bible Study this morning. We examined several verses to learn about peace and its relationship to God... in a nutshell: God is peace.
Here's a list of the scriptures we looked at:
Philippians 4:8-9
Wow, we covered a lot of territory. I loved the last two:
8Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
9The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9 (New American Standard Bible)
All the words in bold describe God. We can't go wrong meditating on these things about God, studying His Word... dwell on these things; practice these things. And the promise: the God of peace will be with you!
The Ladies meet at 9:00 a.m. and the Men meet at 10:00 a.m. in the same room in the activity building. This is what we saw when we came out of the Bible study room:This is quite a line up and they are all secretly wishing they could remain in the recliners for their Bible Study instead of sitting in the straight back chairs for an hour. There were sixteen men present for their study time and about twenty ladies in our study time. Great time in prayer and Bible study.
Jim and Toma are away for a few days, so I went over to feed the birds for Jim... in the cactus garden. Don took pictures and this is the only decent one... he's such a stinker some time. The bird feed is in the barrel.
The doves were not shy and gathered quickly to feast on the bird feed.
Quietly, I waited for the quail to join the feast, but only this brave one ventured even remotely close while I watched with the camera. This is obviously a zoomed picture.
Afternoon was spent restfully at the Q. Computer whiz, Jeff, came and installed a wi-fi card in our desk top.
Phone conversations with Mama Trudy (feeling pretty good today) and Leslie.
Funny granddaughter story:
Emma (6): Where you going, Mama?
Leslie (37): I've been asked to play with a volleyball team tonight.
Emma: Why you want to play volleyball? So you can have a young life again?
It's a rude awakening when you realize your child thinks of you as being old.... at 37!!!
There's a fun thing going on on FaceBook. Everyone is suppose to post a picture of a celebrity they've been told they look like. It's fun, so bringing it to my blog.
Earlier stages of my life, some said I looked like: repeatedly, and Stephanie Powers (several times) (I once had red hair like Stephanie)
and Geena Davis (once). (you'll have to click on their names to see pictures.)
Later or more recently: or a little more seriously...
minus the curl...
(Meryl and I definitely share a forehead, but you never see all of mine!
And a couple of times... Lynn Redgrave.
We can't leave Don out. Once, another man was quite emphatic that Don looked like
I don't know. Maybe a little. My man is better looking.
Wasn't that fun!?! Who have you been told you look like?
Don's been making a yummy Greek salad with marinated artichoke hearts, green olives, etc. I'm hooked.
Now, I'm reflecting on my morning. There is a particular lady in Bible study that inspires me, who truly personifies 'count it all joy.' In fact, her name is Joy and she has had MS for years. But nothing stops her; Ms does not define her. She walks with those extended canes in each hand and she can barely raise her little chin from her chest. She's a tiny thing, but so huge in spirit. Before we leave here this winter, I will have my picture taken with her, if she will allow it. I adore her.
That's was our Wednesday. Hope yours was as wonderful.
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