Marvelous and sunny..... and hot.
I did it! I was up early again today! After our devotion and prayer time, I got the laundry ready and headed over to the laundry room and was finished by 10:15... that includes folded and put away and the bed made with clean sheets. Ready for a new week.
Don had a visitor while I was doing laundry. Jeff, the computer guy stopped by to see if we needed anything or any help with anything. So nice. Made our day. We are hoping to have Jeff build us a desk top this season, without all the added stuff that you get when you purchase a PC at the store, and never use, but it takes up space.
Before noon, Don received a phone call from Linnea Bolm, the choir director here. She wanted to come over, but because it was already very hot, we told her we would drive over to her house to visit. And off we go.
First, I had to take a picture of her bougainvillea. There not many flowers left in the park, still a few oleander blooming. Linnea opened the door and greeted us with her beautiful smile, a sight for sore eyes.
Inside, we got all caught up and learned that her hubby, Fran, is doing better since his treatments and is regaining his strength. He is the financial director of the park and stays busy working quite a bit. Linnea and Fran stay in the park year round and she said it has been one of the hottest summers here this year.
Linnea also prepares the Sunday service bulletin for printing and she gave us a copy. She's waiting for a sermon title from Don, which he will give her in a day or two.
You know me, I had to get another picture of Linnea. See you at choir practice Friday, Sweetie!!
Don took our truck into CG to get it washed and detailed, which it has needed for many weeks. He said it said, "Thank you!" when he got back in it. Don feels much better now that he has a clean truck.
Rick and Wendy invited us over to their place at Quail Run, for fried fish that Rick had caught while they were in Ohio. Oh my, was it ever delicious. Wendy did a great job cooking the fish and side dishes. After immensely enjoying the dinner, we played Spades and ... Yeah Girls!! It's so good be near them again! Thank God for good friends.
Don had recorded the Cowboy game, so we watch for a while. Didn't make it to the end of the game before the sand man came.
More friends are arriving so we're happy that we are here and will get to see them as they arrive.
We are so blessed.
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