Don and I went for a walk around the park Saturday morning, enjoying chatting with folks and the beautiful day. This doesn't look much like desert flowers, does it? It just one of the gifts God has given me here in this desert RV park. Iris is my favorite flower and these are glorious so I'll share with you. Isn't this an unusual color? After a little research, I think this is called a 'Samurai Warrior,' but there are so many varieties, I'm not sure. The only think I know for sure is that they are beautiful and God made them that way.
This was at the same site with the irises, but the residents didn't know what it is.
Saturday night was Tex and Mary night at the park. Tex is from Texas, of course, only a few miles from where I grew up, but I never knew of him.
His wife, Mary, is from Nebraska and her middle name is LaVon. We really enjoyed their show and they came to church this morning and played and sang a special at the end of the service.
"I Have Good News!" was Don's sermon title this morning. Read the first chapter of Romans and you will know the Good News that Don preached about. Don encouraged everyone to share what Jesus Christ has done for them with everyone they see. Wouldn't you tell your neighbor if their house was on fire? It's even more important that they know that Jesus Christ died for their sins. If they don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, their house truly is on fire and they will spend forever in a hell that is real. Don expended a lot of energy preaching and was thankful he didn't have to preach two services. He was tired.
Averill invited us to go with her to the Olive Garden for lunch after church. It was great to spend time with another park resident and get to know her. Averill works in the Welcome Center.
When we got home, I walked over to the cactus garden to see if more blooms were out. They were! This is Toma's baby. [UPDATE: this is an Apricot Claret Cup cactus]
I will be checking this beauty daily. [UPDATE: this is a Beaver Tail cactus... appropriately named.]
So gorgeous.
This is the path from the cactus garden to the Quantum across the street.
A lone African Daisy in the pebbles along the path to the cactus garden.
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