Happy Valentine's Day! We spent most of the day in the park and attended the park Valentine Dinner and Dance. Our friends from Branson, Ron and Opal, performed their show after the dinner. Poor Ron had been sick all day and we prayed that he would make it through the show.
This morning, the sermon was What Is Love? - 2 Corinthians 13:4-7. When posting to our blog, there are times that I try to describe the worship time, and then there are times that words don't do it justice and this is one of those times. You just should have been here.
Another special treat for today was Bob and Snookie coming over to see our God's Quantum. And then we rode in their new F-550 to lunch in CG. Wow! What a truck! It's beautiful!
Lunch at Macayo's was great. We just chatted and chatted until we were afraid they were going to charge us rent for the table. Outside, Snookie and I got another picture of me taking a picture of her. We have several of these in our collection.
When we got back to Sunscape, I just had to show Snookie the Cactus Garden.
I even saw things today that I hadn't seen before.
Poor cowboy.
Snookie was having a great time taking pictures of all the different cacti/cactus. Bob was quite impressed with the Sunscape Cactus Garden, too. I always thought all prickly pear cactus were alike, but there are so many varieties with all different types of needles.
A dead Saguaro (Sa-war-O) on a cloudy day with the sun peeking through a thin cover of clouds.
We like how the garden is not so thick as to prevent walking around in it.
This is a Saguaro and it's very unusual to have this many branches beginning at the same level.
Same Saguaro, different angle.
Desert wild flowers.
This just makes me say, "ooooooo!" I think these are golden poppies, but I'm not sure. It's may be a bit early for those yet.
This cactus looks like it should be under water.
A young Saguaro from the top. Nice shot, except for my feet. Oh well, at least you can tell that I was looking down at the Saguaro... Guess the ground would give that fact away, though.
Been around for a long time...
Do you get the idea that the desert just might be a dangerous place to be?
A younger burro with a load of wood.
Here's my feet again. I do like the visual effect from this vantage point, though. (of the plant; not my feet)
"Hey Bob, look at this!" More color.
This tall pine somehow looks a little out of place, but it's watered regularly therefore, it thrives.
I don't have a clue what this interesting plant is. How did I manage this???? My shoes are missing!
Whatever this is, it's variegated. Check the writing on the rock underneath the plant.
Another very interesting plant that looks like it would do well under water. (or is that just me?)
I just love these little flowers.
Next, Snookie and I took a "spin" around the park.
We tried to keep them here all afternoon, but Bob and Snookie finally escaped from us, :-) but only after Snookie promised she and I would spend an afternoon together, in the near future, "shopping."
It was soooo GOOD to finally spend some time with our buddies, the Quinn's.
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