Don't you just love those really special days? Upon reflection, wouldn't you agree that the best days are the ones that start off with a great time with the Lord? Today was another one of those days for me. This devotional says it all:
February 28
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
Do you know what the problem with many of us is? Our faith is something tacked onto our lives. Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters…” (Matthew 6:24). Do you believe that? You are to have but one goal in your life, and that is to know Jesus Christ personally, powerfully, passionately, and preeminently. Everything else will flow out of that. You say, “But wait a minute. I’ve got other things to do! I’ve got a job. I’ve got to rest. I’ve got to have recreation. I’ve got to have friends. I can’t just narrow my interests to one.” When you bring your life into a burning focus, all of these other things contribute to the main thing.
What is the burning focus of your life? Make it Jesus and you’ve made it!
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Just in case you skimmed over the above devotional, let me share something with you. A few years ago, while reading my Bible, I read Matthew 6:33. I wasn't exactly clear what "seek ye first the kingdom of God" fully meant, so I ask the Lord to teach me as it sounded like a command that I should obey. God, in His faithfulness, continues everyday to teach me how to put Him first in every area of my life. Bakers' Blessings is my attempt to share with friends, family and passersby that I haven't missed out on anything by making Jesus Christ the Lord and Master of my life. You might like to go back and re-read the above devotional and meditate on the truth of it. It really spoke to my heart and encouraged me.
Below are a few pictures that show you a few of the 'things that have been added unto me,' like spending a wonderful day with my wonderful husband.
First, Don said today would be our Date Day since we didn't leave the park yesterday, so we went to Mimi's for breakfast. Next we went to Target for a few items like new sunglasses for me since I broke my other pair. Don wanted to show me the new Fry's store. Wow! They have everything there, even furniture and TV's and groceries and a deli and a Starbuck's... everything, except clothes (and I might have just missed them).
Don loves to explore new territory so we just rode around the area enjoying the scenery. We found water in a new addition here in Casa Grande.
Here in the desert valley, this is considered a large body of water.
In another area of CG, we saw this house. It's for sale, in case your interested. Kind of looks out of place, though. On one end, there's a five-car garage, two with doors that accommodate pick-up trucks. If your interested, let me know... we'll go back and get the phone number.
Not far from the white house was this old farm tractor. It looks like one my daddy and brother drove while cotton farming in west Texas.
Don turned onto a street that led to the Weaver Ranch addition. Each lot was one or two acres with white fences around each one. Some people had a horse or two on their "ranch." This addition was located at the foot of a mountain that just added to the beauty of the area. Here, we saw the first ocotillo blooms of the season.
From Weaver Ranch, we accidentally found ourselves at the entrance to the Central Arizona College. And it was a beautiful afternoon to watch a little baseball.
Oooooo, I love taking pictures at a baseball game. I know his mama would just love to have this picture.
This is the visiting team's pitcher from Paradise Valley Community College in Phoenix.
His dad was sitting behind us.
A spot on the bleachers under the filtered shade of a tree was "added unto us."
Stately waving beyond center field. May she forever proudly wave.
The setting for this college is lovely, at the foot of several mountains.
While Don got us each a bottle of water, I snapped a few pictures of the campus.
It's really nice here. They even have green, soft grass.
"added unto me."
When we got home, Don fixed the leaky front tire on my bike and I took a spin around the park with my camera hanging around my neck... just in time for another beautiful sunset that God "added unto me." At just the perfect setting of the sun, you can catch it's reflection on the clouds in the north....
and east.
Just awesome, isn't it?
And then God said, "You don't want to miss this!" There, just above the sunset was Venus (you must concentrate to see it in the pic) and just above Venus and ever so slightly to the left, a slice of the moon. The sunset, Venus and the moon... all in one frame. {sigh} ...
..... "and all these things shall be added unto you."
Thank you, Lord, for a beautiful day. I am so looking forward to the next God-sized activity which you've invited us to join You in. For we know that it's the God-sized activities that show the world around us what a powerful and awesome God you are and draws them into a personal relationship with You. Amen.