My conscience knocked on the door this morning and we took another walk through the park, about two miles, I think. My feet believe it. As we walked, here's just one of several lots for sale here. This one has nice fruit trees.
I met another lady while we were walking... Ruby. (Thelma knows everybody) Ruby's husband, Al, has Alzheimer's and is doing pretty good right now. I know you are already saying to yourself, "I will pray for Ruby and Al."
The walking must have worn me out, because I took a good nap this afternoon and woke up just in time to get ready to go into Casa Grande to the Trinity Baptist Church for a Bible study with Tim and Lori Pruit, our friends. It's amazing how God works. We met Tim and Lori while Don was pastor of the Macomb Baptist Church in Oklahoma. Tim brought a group from his church, here in Casa Grande, to Macomb to do our Vacation Bible School as a mission project. We loved them instantly. So when Don got the email from Tim saying they were leading the Experiencing God study by Henry Blackaby, we said, "We're there!" They are a precious couple and we know we are going to really enjoy this study with them.
Here's a rose for our sweet Lydia on her birthday. Can you believe it?... Roses blooming in January. As we were driving to Bible study tonight, this was the sunset. This mountain is many miles away, but you can still see the dust blowing up over the top of it as the sun is setting.
Here's a zoomed shot. It was just fascinating to us to see the dust being swept upward by the wind and was only made so visible by the sun setting behind it.
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