Our last stop was quite a treat, especially if you are a Little House on the Prairie fan. Note: we don't know the lady in the cabin door, but she's short. You'll see what I mean a few pictures down.
I'll let the next few pictures explain themselves.The way I understand this sign: The cabin here is not actually the cabin the Ingalls lived in, but similar to it. However, this is the place where they lived.
My apologies, this sign is difficult to read.
I just noticed that no part of this buckboard is touching the ground. I see the springs, but where's the seat?
The post office at Wayside, KS.
One of the first things Don thought about when we got here was "how did the Ingalls get here?"
Don said, "What's the ague?" I remember reading about it in the book, but can't remember. I think it's a plague that happened and a lot of their neighbors died, though. Give us the facts, Holly.
Here's Don going to school at the Sunny Side, KS school house. :-)
Inside the school house. No really. Those are school desks. Four rows, small, intermediate, medium and large.... all in one room. One room: a great teaching tool for discipline, unity and respect.
I'm not sure they were the desks that Laura & Mary Ingalls used, but they're old, regardless. See what I mean? Don and I both had to duck to walk in the door. It was a very small door.
Inside the cabin:
This fireplace would have no problem heating this small room. (Guess they brought the buckboard seat inside to prevent weather damage.)
The good ole days?
The fireplace mantle.
Back outside, the hand-dug well.
There was the Prairie Store inside this farm house, but we didn't go in. (Don's recliner was calling his name.) What a neat little farm house... my imagination goes wild. I'm glad the tornadoes in this area have missed this farmhouse.
Another view of the cabin... about 10' x 12', maybe.
And the post office and school house.
Now this picture is probably only of interest to me. I'm holding a piece of fruit from the Bois d' Arc(pronounced in Texas: bow-dark) tree in the background. This fruit we called, in Texas, a horse apple and our horses loved to eat them.
The wood of the Bois d' arc tree is very, very hard. This row of trees reminds me of the Bois d' Arc trees on the fence rows back home, because they were too hard to cut down. Barbed wire would be tied to the trees with baling wire. I've actually seen barbed wire that looked like it was coming out of the tree trunk as the tree had grown around the wire. (About now, Don is sitting in the pickup patiently waiting for me to finish taking pictures of TREES.)
This was a very interesting stop for both of us and we recommend it to everyone who is traveling through SE Kansas. Awwww, man!... we missed the nature trail and the foot bridge over Walnut Creek. Maybe we'll go back. I'm sure there's a tree over there that's never been photographed!
Don't forget to leave a ....
Good-bye, Little House on the Prairie.
Finally, Don got me back in the truck. The next shots are from US 75 on the way to Caney, Kansas & Coffeyville.
Kind of a sad picture of an old farm building from the past. Wonder if there's anyone living who could tell a story about it?
A pheasant hunter's paradise.
OK.... look real close at the horse running across the top of the ridge to the left. There not real horses. That's metal art!
(Don is now yawning. "Hold on, Hon, we're almost home.")
I see the Quantum, Don sees his recliner and the football game of which he saw none of before he was sound asleep. Must admit that I took a good Sunday afternoon nap, also.
We had been awake all of five minutes when Tom and Kathy knocked on the door. Perfect timing! We visited with them for about an hour and then they left. We met them at 6:30 PM at the First Baptist Church Harvest Homecoming Singing. We enjoyed the singing very much. We enjoyed, also, the fact that about eight different churches in town came together to have this Singing.
Well, my sweet hubby has left me for Z-land with the TV playing the music of a black and white silent movie. I've listened to about as much of this perky music as I can stand and I've finished this post, so until tomorrow, God willing, hope your enjoyed "It's Sunday," pleasant dreams to all and may God bless you.
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