Lucy, Carol and Yvonne trying to decide which quiche to order at Ruby Lena's Tea Room. Ruby Lena's is a quaint little tea room and gift shop. Crocheted and lace baby dresses on display at Ruby Lena's. Somebody won a blue ribbon at the fair with these creations.
There's lots of this on display, also.
When in Branson on Hwy 76 going toward old Branson downtown, look for this sign on the right.
Tonight, we went to the new Sight and Sound Theater to see Noah, The Musical. Here's Don and I in front of the lion and the lamb.
This Sight and Sound Theater looks like something you would see in Jerusalem. It's beautiful.
Our friend, Cami Wilson, works in tickets here and loves it!
We really enjoyed the production and appreciated the creator's determination to share the Gospel with everyone who sees any production at a Sight & Sound Theater. We recommend it.
In the Love Worth Finding devotional for today, Dr. Adrian Rogers suggests: "Starting with the letter 'A' and going through the alphabet, praise Him with each letter for all that He is, has been, and will be!" Here goes... I may need some help.
A - Almighty, Alpha, Awesome, Ascended, All Sufficient, Abundance
B - Beautiful, Beginning, Banner, Blessed, Blood (wine), Body (bread)
C - Crucified, Caring, Creator, Compassionate, CHRIST
D - Deliverer
E - Excellent, End, Everywhere, Everlasting, Established
F - FATHER, Faithful, Forgiver, Forever, Fulfillment
G - Grace, GOD, Good, Great Greatness, Glory
H - Holy, High, Healer, HOPE
I - "I AM", Immortal, IS
J - Just, Jehovah, JESUS
K - Keeper of my soul, Knows, King of kings
L - LOVE, Loving, Lifted up, LORD, Lord of lords, Light, Longsuffering, Life-giving, Living Water
M - Merciful, Most High, Majesty
N - Nurturing, Never leaves
O - Omega, Owner, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent
P - Peace, Perfect, Patient, Provider, Powerful, Potentate, Possessor, Protector, Pursuer
Q - Quiet
R - Righteous Ruler, Redeemer, Refuge, Rescuer
S - Savior, Sovereign, Supplier, Sees, Strong, Supreme, Sanctifier, Shepherd, Sinless, Strength, Satisfying, Sustainer, Security, Stability, Shelter, Safety
T - Trustworthy, Truth
U - Urges, Unshakable
V - Valiant, Victorious
W - Worthy, WOW!, Watching, Wine (blood), Well-spring of Living Water
Y - Yaweh, Yearns
Z -
Yes, I need help with X and Z and if you can think of more, please leave a comment. I'm sure you can.
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