God answered my prayer regarding the desktop working for Don! I got a sweet, sweet email from him last night that he wrote about 10:30. He said he turned on the desktop again before getting ready to go to bed and it recognized the booster, which it would not do before. He followed the on-screen instructions and wa-la... the computer picked up the wi-fi in the park, which it had not done before!!! Thank You, God.
Mama has not felt as well today as she did yesterday... more light-headed. She finally laid down for a nap about 3:00 this afternoon. I have to keep reminding myself, at her age a 'not so good day' is only natural.
I am so very grateful for the atmosphere in which I grew up. As I look on the walls of Mama's apartment here, I see things that have been in my life from childhood. These two handmade (embroidery & crochet) plaques, for instance, speak of the incredible faith that my mama has had in God's Word for as long as I can remember. This one, Proverbs 3:5, hangs in her bathroom.Psalms 86:5 hangs over her bed.
Most of mama's home decorating leans toward the spiritual (scripture verses, song pages out of old hymnals, poems) and also, the things of nature that so readily testify of our Creator: landscapes, birds, flowers, trees (even dead ones), water, season. Not to ever be forgotten are pictures and portraits of family members.
One of the things she loves about having her own apartment is the fact that she can hang as many pictures on all the walls as she wants to and she does. She has pictures hung that she has been saving for years and now they are all out for her to enjoy at every turn. The Ten Commandments is hanging over my head in the recliner along with pictures Mama has saved from calendars over the years. She has always wanted to frame her favorite calendar scenes, some with scripture verses, and now she has.
I have talked to my sweet husband on the phone several times today. I know you are shocked. He went to the VA clinic in Harrison, Arkansas this afternoon and the doctor prescribed more meds for the shingles. I'm praying a couple of good night's rest in his own bed is going to work miracles for him.
We both got a very encouraging phone call from our dear, sweet friend, Cheri. We met Cheri and Tom (pictures elsewhere in this blog) in Branson last summer while they were workamping at the KOA. They live in the Phoenix area and we visited them last winter when Tom had open-heart surgery. She said he's feeling good, but is really missing having fun with the good friends they met last year... Pat & Bobby!!! and others. We miss them like crazy.
After her therapy session this afternoon, Mama begin to feel more normal than this morning. By bedtime, she seemed much better.
We are also requesting prayer for my brother's wife, Carolyn. After severe pain in her hands and back and vomiting (with no warning) last night, she went to the doctor today and he has ordered a battery of tests relating to the heart. They live in Georgia and have children in Washington, California, Tennessee, and Georgia. My family is just spread out all over.
Hey, Darlene and Snookie, come on down and help Mama Trudy put together this 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. These pieces are tiny.Leslie gave this puzzle to her for Christmas. Except for the pieces being so small, it shouldn't be too difficult to put together... blue on top, grass on bottom, red truck in the middle.
Has anyone noticed how random my posts are? I'm tired and I'm going to call it a night.
Don talked to Wayne late today and he said a small hole was found in Wayne's heart. More test will be run tomorrow to see what else needs to be done besides taking a baby aspirin everyday. Thank you for your prayers for this dear friend of Don's.
Please don't hesitate to email Don or I if you have prayer requests. Or you may leave me a prayer comment and I will not post it if you request it not be posted... but we will definitely pray about your requests.
Love, grace and peace to all.
I love you, Don
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