Today dawned beautiful and cloudless. As we were getting ready for church, Rick Fury called to tell us that poor Wendy had been sick all night and neither of them got much rest. Looks like she got what's been going around. Rick was planning to help lead the singing this morning, but it looked like I would have to solo it. We prayed for you, Wendy, so expect to get better really fast. Well, we have really appreciated Rick's willingness to lead in singing and praying during worship and I was looking forward to them being in church this morning.. this being the last Sunday. (Really not trying to make you feel bad, Rick, just trying to let you know how much I appreciate you). Don and I went up to the Carnaval Room early and while I was practicing with the "canned" music I got from iTunes, who walks in???? None other than Frank and Helen Maguire. I squealed with delight because I knew God had sent Frank to rescue me and I was soooo grateful! Helen is such a sweetheart... she kept asking if we were sure we couldn't come back next winter.
I had already picked out the songs so all Frank had to do was sit down at the piano and play them, which was no problems for him.
Barb & Darrell Howard had planned to stay for church and then pull out, but decided they should get on the road and maybe stay ahead of the strong wind that has been forecasted. Neil and Robin also surprised us by driving back to be with us this morning, our last Sunday. (Robin's sister, Terri, is going through chemo and would appreciate any and all prayers.) Here's Darrell & Barb Howard, Neil & Robin Umatum, and Liz and Bob Higginbottom as we all say "Happy Trails" to Barb & Darrell. We sure do love them and will miss them, but Barb has started their blog so we will be able to stay up with their adventures. I'm thrilled!
Also, leaving immediately after church is Ray & Linda Poyer.Linda is the beautiful and generous lady who has been cutting our hair this winter. It's been great just to walk around the corner to get our hair trimmed. (I really wish all readers could meet all these wonderful people and experience them as we have... fun personalities, generous, loving... I could go on and on, but my words just don't do any of them justice.) Ray recently learned that he has an artery that is 100% blocked. Docs prescribed meds and sent him home with the "heart healthy" diet. Bless him. Surgery may be in Ray's future, but not immediately. In the meantime, pray that he learns to love FISH!
Well, worship was so good this morning. Frank pretended he didn't know one of the songs I had chosen, so he asked me to get up and sing with him. I must admit, it was fun and I love singing, with someone, especially Frank. The text for the sermon was Proverbs 3:5-6--
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
Just the message we needed as we all start out on new trails. God's really smart like that. He must know what we need. DUH!
Nell Archer got up and told us all about Young Life and the difference it has made in her grandchildren's lives, encouraging us all that there is a positive, Christian organization that accepts kids as they are and points them toward Jesus Christ and a life that is worth living. Thank you, Nell, we certainly enjoyed your presentation.After church, no one seemed to want to leave. We stood around talking, hugging and taking a few pictures. And then Ginny & Lenny Dexter and Snookie came in with a birthday balloon & card for Nancy Reid and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to her. Her big day is Tuesday.
Here's Neil and Don:
and his cute wife, Robin with Don. You really should feel sorry for Don... no one loves him.
And myself, thanking Frank for showing up today. I know it's only visible to me, but he's wearing shining armor and his steed is tethered out front.
After saying "so long, see you down the trail" to everyone, we walked over to say a final "adios" to Ray, Linda, Rudy (the shy 40 pound sheltie who thinks he should ride the whole way in Linda's lap... the semi trucks scare him.)
and Shelby (the very vocal female who's not afraid of anyone or anything).
I love their rig. That's a Mobile Suites behind the truck.
We had lunch at a local Mexican food restaurant and arrived there at the same time as Carol and Morris Pruit, the Pinal County Cowboy Church pastor. We sat with them and enjoyed visiting with them. Morris is just about as cowboy as they come and talks rather slow. They told us that when their three children were small, they spent several years in West Africa as missionaries. Of course, they had to go to French language school before going. Don and I both got a big kick out of imagining Morris communicating in French with his delightful Texas drawl. Morris and Carol are perfect examples of someone following Jesus and trusting God every step of the way.
When we got back to the "house" I had every intention of taking a nap, when I remembered that Snookie had told me about a cactus in the park that was blooming... the kind that blooms once for one day only. So beautiful. As I continued walking and taking pictures, I found another cactus in bloom, so I went to get Snookie so she could get a picture of it as well.
There was also another near that looks like it will bloom tomorrow or soon.
On the other side of the park, we found this beauty in full bloom.
So pretty.
Here's an interesting tree. Owner, Barb Truby, said it is an Arizona Yellow Bird of Paradise tree.
and a close up of the flowers. (click for larger view)
We've had a busy and emotional day. Oh yes, I got an email from DeeDee and they made it safe and sound to Aztec, Colorado. And Darlene emailed that they were in Benson, Arizona safely, but with a possible wheel bearing leak that they will check out professionally tomorrow. (correct me if I didn't get that right, Dave). It was great to hear from both of them.
DeAnn, I hope you have enjoyed this little bit of desert blooms that you've missed. (There's more on my Facebook page)
I'll close with a favorite shot of mine that I took today . God bless everyone!
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